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Asteroids in stations and other oddities

Oct 28, 2004 Vlad link
Yes, I know about the asteroids interpenetrating stations, and that should be resolved for the next release. But if you see anything else that looks ugly in the universe (asteroids that seem out of place, etc), take note of the sector and post it here!
Oct 28, 2004 roguelazer link
Can you give Divinia F-6 a real roided station?
Oct 28, 2004 Spellcast link
Ok, heres the list i've run across so far.

Latos system

O12, H2, B6. Large ice chunks clustered together, occasionally intersecting regular asteroids.

Brtactus C5 The asteroids are oversize.

Versai O7 Once again, large abnormal looking iceball.

In general a lot of the rock asteroids look oversize, they look like the regular asteroid models only 3 to 6 times too large.
Oct 28, 2004 Klox link
Initros O-12. Find the cluster of new big ice roids. There's a spinning brown roid half in one of the big ice roids. Screenshot available (but shouldn't be hard to find).
Edit: look around the big ice roids. I see at least one other brown roid touching an ice roid.
Oct 28, 2004 Spellcast link
Most sectors with wormholes now have a large iceblob in them. The asteroids in Sedina L2 are oversize.
Oct 28, 2004 Spider link
Odia J-9 have clipping in the station/roids.

I LOVE the great scale of things there though, WONDERFUL how it makes you feel "tiiiiiny"
Oct 29, 2004 Mariner link
One of the exit ports on the station in Dau L-10 aims directly at an antenna.
It needs a traffic cone perhaps?
Oct 29, 2004 Mini link
I thought the big ice roids were meant to be like that. Bit like the old S14
Oct 29, 2004 Spellcast link
I dunno, to me they are a graphical oddity because they are just there, in the middle of a bunch of regular asteroids. In one or two sectors i could see that as intentional, but in every WH sector? That seems buggish to me. Especially as they dont appear in other asteroid fields.
Oct 30, 2004 Vlad link
Ok, I've removed the large ice clusters from wormhole sectors. (those did look pretty odd.) Also, mariner, thanks for mentioning the antenna, I'll fix that too.
Oct 30, 2004 Black Omega link
ummmm Theres a missing planet in Deneb C3. Unless its very very small ----> . <-----
Oct 31, 2004 simondearsley link
Road cones would be kinda cool don't you think? They could be used to mark lanes to worm holes! Almost like the little docking arrows at the moment.