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Flickering Black Box...Thing....

Nov 01, 2004 Ghost link
On a couple different background stars/planets (not all of them), i keep getting a flickering black boxy shaped thing that appears. I'm sure this has something to do with my video settings/hardware. Any suggestions?
Nov 01, 2004 sarahanne link
what are your current settings?
Nov 02, 2004 thginkrej link
Yeah, without specifics like your current settings, graphics hardware and system specs, the only advice anyone can give is "change stuff." =P

If the background detail is very high or above (I think), the objects such as moons and planets are 3-d, so if something went wrong there it could make a black box.. I suppose. If the background detail is below that, all of the background is bitmapped, so it wouldn't make any sense for black boxes to show up.

Either way, this is the first I've heard of any problem like this.

Good luck.
Nov 02, 2004 RelayeR link
Ghost: If you are on a Mac, try the "osxfix" alias in the "binds" thread.
If you're on Windows or Linux, like thginkrej said, "change stuff".