Forums » Bugs

Carco Captures page: field error?

Nov 05, 2004 Phaserlight link
I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm just not understanding the cargo captures page correctly, but at the top of the page for each nation the total cargo delivered is divided into Serco and Itani widgets.

The vast majority of cargo delivered to the Serco is under the "Itani" column.

The vast majority of cargo delivered to the Itani is under the "Serco" column.

Looking at the rest of the stats, the only way the numbers add up is to assume that Serco convoys are carrying *Itani* cargo and vice-versa.

Does this seem a little strange to anyone else, or am I not understanding the stats correctly?
Nov 05, 2004 thurisaz link
lol... I am similarly confused.....
Nov 05, 2004 Vlad link
Unless the convoys are delivering to the wrong stations, I'd say the numbers are reversed. :)