Forums » Suggestions

Ship engines... sounds... etc.

Dec 22, 2005 KixKizzle link
As long as we have an option to keep the old stuff then don't worry about CPU intensiv,ivity.
Dec 23, 2005 Demonen link
1) Record sound of camera flash charging
2) Digitally slow down to make the tone deeper
3) Record sound of bass drum
4) Reverse and add to the end of the slowed-down "dwiiiiip"
5) Add to game as jump sound effect
Dec 23, 2005 greengeek link
Incarnate, just curious, but have you guys looked into OpenAL ( )? It provides cross-platform positional audio support. I realize that adding something like that would be a huge added piece of work, but it might be something to think about for the distant future when Guild Software has bought out Blizzard and has dev time to spare ;)
Dec 26, 2005 incarnate link
There's actually a jump sound effect in the RLB. It just hasn't been hooked up (people get sidetracked, then forget about it). We'll get it going for the new client.
Dec 26, 2005 ctishman link
Second most noticeable thing about 2.0 just popped up :)

(1st being the UI)

Edit: Are there any more sounds in there, ready to be hooked up?
Dec 26, 2005 Celkan link
Perhaps a wormhole sound? >.>
Jun 02, 2006 Cunjo link
Mar 30, 2007 slime73 link
So is the jump sound effect going to come any time soon? :P