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I radar that isn't invincible?

Apr 27, 2003 Rabid Panda link
The current one is just way to strong. It can see through anything, see anything, see targets that have been sitting still for minutes. Ambushes are impossible without super skill which I have a freaking manual for. I know I've aske dfor this about 1000 times but we really need a fuctional radar to pull of stealth missions or any kind of covert operation.

A radar that isn't invincible?* Oops.
Apr 27, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
I think that's coming anyway...I think a1k0n had expressed an interest in it. It would be cool to have a radar that was reflected by asteroid shadow and stuff like that.
Apr 27, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Four words; EMP pulse

If we had that it would be perfect, a weapon that can holds 1 ammo thing and uses up 100% of the battery, but it has the blast radius of a nuke. All it does is simply scramble the radar, like makeing it think homers are near, a flock of allies are near, 20 rockets are about to hit you, you are in front of the s15 wormhole, stuff like that. It would be really cool to see in effect =)
Apr 27, 2003 Celebrim link
RP: Has been at the top of the list of features I want to see for as long as I've been here. It's definately been discussed, the code just doesn't exist yet.

I'd also like to see electronics gizmos soon, like radars with more range, and so forth. If they aren't going to fix the Wraith, at least they could give it extra electronics slots for a ship of its class.
Apr 28, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Cele, what has to be fixed on the wraith

PS: bair with me, I can't play the game you know ;)

Apr 28, 2003 Celebrim link
Basically, its a ship that is severely outclassed by another widely available model (the Ragnarok). Considering that the cost of your hull is only a fraction of the cost of the entire equiped vehical, the extra few thousand you save by buying a ship that is much less capable just isn't worth it. No one at all uses the Wraith. I seriously doubt more than a couple have ever been bought.

All that is needed to fix it is to make it medium manueverability and put it more on par with the popular Hornet class.
Apr 28, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
ok, I can see the logic of that in it :D

Apr 28, 2003 Eldrad link
Once non-invincible radars are implimented would it be possible to add radar relays? A stationary/constant velocity object that doesn't show up on radar, but extends your radar. This way people setting traps would know when to spring them and if one spot was a common trap people you could check it out without actually going in.
Apr 28, 2003 Celebrim link
You could probably have a 'radar drone' - a missile that extended your radar range in one direction. Or you might be able to have a radar relay between ships that let you use each others radars.

But its really not reasonable to assume that something that is emmitting something reasonably close to radar is stealthy and doesn't appear on radar.
Apr 28, 2003 Eldrad link
hmmm good point
Dec 25, 2004 roguelazer link
I was bored, and this is probably one of my biggest "beefs" with Vendetta. So, I figured I'd bump the oldest thread I could find on the topic.
Dec 25, 2004 TS-Midnight link
ROFLMAO ... Merry Christmas to you to Rogue! :P