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Things I miss from Alpha...

Jun 23, 2006 Durgia link
As many of you know I have recently come back to VO after quite a long break. I would like to discuss some features of the alpha that are no longer in the game that I think could be and make the game small bits better (for an oldie like me at least )

The first is nation chat. I liked the non channel nation chat because to me at least it seemed to create more nationism and inspired people to work together, it just added a small bit to the game for me. I think this could be brought back, just like guild chat and group chat it could be non channel.

Second is CTF, CTC is a pale shadow of the dream CTF used to be :P I really enjoyed CTF and would like to see it somehow incorporated into this version of the game. Now story wise it would be easy enough... sneaking in to (where ever) to steal enemy secrets. I dunno all the specifics of how it could be made to work but I would sure love to see it.

Last is hidden sectors which I assume will come around with exploring so I won't go into that much but I miss them too :P

*goes to sit in his rocking chair and complain about the youth these days*
Jun 23, 2006 FatStrat85 link
Nation chat sounds like a good idea. I often forget which nation I am and I have no real affiliation to it whatsoever. Your idea would really help to remedy that.

What's CTF (and CTC) exactly? Sounds cool from what you mentioned there, but u didn't really explain it.

Hidden sectors would be awesome! I was thinking also there could be some sectors like in excape velocity, where you have to be near them for them to become visible and only by entering the sector can you see information on it.

On a side note, maps (guides?) that you could purchase would be cool. They could show you prices of commodities, what products are available where, and other info for different stations. You'd have to buy new ones frequently, because prices change and a map might only cover 3 or 4 systems so you'd have to buy new ones when you moved around the universe.
Jun 23, 2006 Blacklight link
CTF may be possible but there is a few problems. First is nation systems. Unlike Alpha where each nation had an equal of 2 Nation Sectors. Now, each has a different number of Nation Systems to pass. One may be easier than the other. Second is the introduction of Strike Forces, which chase you through out every sector/nation system that the strike force belongs to. And you *cant* space them cause they spawn like 5(?) ships per person. In Alpha, when you captured the flag, you couldnt boost! So having the SF on your ass as you capture the flag and trying to outrun them through multiple systems isnt a pretty sight, though Im sure the devs can fix that problem.

Nation Chat was a cool feature, I remember having to get on alts to see what the reds were up to when trying to cap our flag. ^_^

-Black 2
Jun 23, 2006 roguelazer link
We do have nation chat, you know. It's not the devs' fault that nobody uses it...
Jun 23, 2006 upper case link
FYI, Nation Chat is channel 11. It filters according to your nation.

As Roguelazer says, few use it now. It was in use when CTC was fun, and sometimes even during large events where group limits requires filtered wider-audience & secure channel.
Jun 23, 2006 Blacklight link
He mentioned I liked the non channel nation chat not a channeled nation chat! >_<
Jun 23, 2006 tumblemonster link
What if you brought back CTF as an intergalaxy game, like the world cup? A special "field" of sectors is designated (maybe in a new empty sector) and you game on! Perhaps it could be taken as a mission ("Fly for your nations Pride!"). It would deffinately be a blast!
Jun 23, 2006 roguelazer link
Explain to me the fundamental difference between team chat as a channel and team-chat as a non-channel...

Also, CTF = regression = bad. Move forwards!
Jun 23, 2006 FiReMaGe link
Unless Durgia did not know about the channel nation chat, that all players of the nation have it automatically on instead of having to /join 11 to see and to /join 11 everytime they wish to speak to it is the difference. Of course this means there needs to be another key to talk in nation chat... There could easily be a toggle for nation chat in chat options if some feel that they don't want to see nation chat. Anyway... this could (a big could) increase the amount of people that listen to nation chat... as I am not in channel 11 but I wouldn't want to turn off nation chat if that was implemented... the last time I was in channel 11, it was never used.

Durgia also speaks of stealing the other nation's technology. This idea is easily workable into the storyline and sounds more like progression than regression. However, there would need to be an continuous stream of content (to steal) in order for it to stay as progression... stealing schematics for Neutrons MkIII all the time would be... odd... for many reasons (and would be regression in that case... perhaps that is what you were thinking).
Jun 23, 2006 roguelazer link
I mean, the devs could just force everybody to start joined to channel 11 (n00bs, that is), and change it so that it says "Nation" instead of "11" in the brackets. Same idea, different implementation.
Jun 23, 2006 slime73 link
It's still clumsy to switch between 100 and 11 whenever you want to talk on the other channel though, hence the button.
Jun 23, 2006 FiReMaGe link
Well Durgia didn't talk about implementation, just the concept. Sure he said non channel but it doesn't mean the engine can't be the channel chat one. It just needs to be more different in appearance and perhaps usage from how channels are such as what you suggest roguelazer.

Slime points out a good problem. Roguelazer was just making a point though. To extend Roguelazer's point, there could be a special command/bind/button to send channel 11 chat only.
Jun 24, 2006 Durgia link
thanks all for the discussion :)

As FM pointed out I never went into implementation mainly because I would have no idea how to start :P

I do know that channel 11 is nation chat, but I see no reason why there can be quick keys for guild/group/sector chat and not one for nation. It would not be hard (I don't think) to do. It is basically just an appearance difference, more imersion into the story of VO etc.

And CTF for those that don't know was Capture the Flag. It was before missions were put into the alpha. You had to basically get past 2 systems (single sector systems) of nation players and bots, steal the flag and get back out without turbo and bring it to your nation. CTC is of course the current capture the cargo events broadcasted on channels 201 and 202.

Now obviously CTF could not be introduced exactly as it was, it would need to be modified a lot to fit this version of the game. I do not see it however as regression. CTF was a part of the game many many people enjoyed. It helped tied nations together and immerse ones self in the game before there even were nation names (go blue nation!)

I think if properly implemented it could add to the game in many ways. How to implement it I have no idea as I don't know the devs over all plans and goals and how to structure it into them. I am sure however that it could be done somehow.
Jun 26, 2006 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
I sort of liked Tumble's Nation Cup idea, and I'm thinking it might be worked something like this:

[First, to mesh it into the storyline, stuff in curly brackets denotes a personal comment]

The Nation Cup was founded by TPG{They're supposed to be the "good" UIT Corp, right?} in <year> to help relationships with both the Serco and Itani nations. Loosely modeled after the Serco games, the Nation Cup pits the three nations against each other in a number of winner-take-all games, based across the universe.

[And now, list of Things and Possible Mechanics]
CtF - Hosted in Dau, Capture the Flag is conducted between all three nations at the same time, and sometimes between two or three guilds{more on this in a moment}. The sector would be divided up into 13 "zones" in a triangular formation with circular gates marking zone separation{Sound familiar?}. The goal is to retrieve the opposing Nation's "flag" in their "Home Zone" and return it to your "Home Zone", but there are a few peculiarities.

{Also- the times CtF and other Cup events would happen would be set, once or twice a week perhaps. Guilds would not be able to use the fields during this time.}

1. Participants may only travel through adjacent zones. If Player A went from the Itani HZ to the Serco HZ without passing through a path connected by adjacent zone gates, then they may not pick up the flag. Likewise, if player B has the flag, they may not successfully return it without passing through a continuous path of zones.

2. Participants carrying the flag may not turbo.

3. Small R&R outposts are placed in most zones, players may use them only if they are within the "zone" that contains the outpost.

{Basic summary: 13 zone analog of the old VO universe compressed and made into a giant CtF arena.}
{Now onto guilds: Guilds should be able to "rent" out the CtF zone and other Cup arenas to prove their prowess in...CtF and whatnot. Some of the money used to rent out the zone should be taken by TPG as a usage fee, the rest doled out as prize money to the winning guild members that participated. I'd imagine this whole thing would be implemented as a sort of "mission"}

A nation may win this contest by being the first to collect three{Or more, I suppose} flags.

A King of the Hill type game- based inside a large maze-like hollow 'roid, sponsored by TPG - Serco and placed in Ukari.

Various Racing and Spaceflight Acrobatics- sponsored by TPG - Itani, and placed in Edras.


{Pardon me if this post is a bit incoherent, 'tis a bit late here.}
Jun 27, 2006 thurisaz link
ooh-ohh!! what if we have a pseudo-VR CTF area, basically a copy-n-paste of the alpha sectors completely unconnected to the rest of the universe

..CTF could be implemented in a mission that would warp you to the CTFzone... either offer a similar back-to-the-real-world mission from all CTFzone stations, or just teleport a player back to the "real world" when they abort the CTF mission

..maybe add this to the nationCup idea?
Jun 27, 2006 Blacklight link
I *want* to be back in the Alpha sectors!! Just for old time sakes! *sniff*
Jul 25, 2006 clay link
alias togglechat "ch100"
alias ch11 "activatechattab 0; join 11; alias togglechat ch100"
alias ch100 "activatechattab 0; join 100; alias togglechat ch11"
bind "#" togglechat

That will allow you to toggle between channel 11 and 100.
Jul 25, 2006 LostCommander link
Why does the new "flag" have to be secrets? What if instead the nations were stockpiling samoflange (or something similarly unfriendly to transport) in Betheshee, Dantia (SERCO), Dau (UIT), Eo, and Divinia (ITANI)? Each nation would have 2 stations with a "storage yard" area marked by beacons with where half that nation's stockpile rested in a single non-disappearing cargo box. You could try to take as much as you wanted, but it's samo... Players could turn it in at any other stockpile for a fair increase in standing and a batch of credits. Of course, removing cargo from the stockpile would earn you a temp KoS, some SF friends, and - if you leave the sector with any cargo - sets your FS to KoS.
Jul 26, 2006 yodaofborg link
alias togglechat "ch100"
alias ch11 "activatechattab 0; join 11; alias togglechat ch100"
alias ch100 "activatechattab 0; join 100; alias togglechat ch11"
bind "#" togglechat

That will allow you to toggle between channel 11 and 100.

But that only helps if your on 100, the suggestion wants a *key* to send to nation chat. The easiest way would be to make a /11 or /100 or indeed /1 command (/11 sends to 11, /100 to 100 ect ect), I also have an alias that kinda works like this, but it sends me back to 100 even if i was not on 100 after i have spoken, and there is no %lastchannel% variable, so aliases while nice and all, cannot do nation chat like Durgia is askin for.
Jul 26, 2006 sarahanne link
doesn't the game alreay do /1 or /100 to change to that channel?