Forums » Suggestions

better comm functionality

Jul 05, 2006 raybondo link
er, I suppose not.
Jul 06, 2006 thurisaz link, I mean... what does that phrase mean??
Jul 08, 2006 shiro link
I think ray means inside the PDA or in station. This way you could define keys that would otherwise be used as ship controls when in space. Say you could define "s" for channel X but this of course would not work while you were flying as it would be your "throttle down" (default) and could not be used as one of these hotkeys.

Thanks for the info on some of the usage shortcuts. I like the /s and such idea for quick specification of who it is you want to talk to. The main point is just being able to be certain who it is you are talking to so you dont make an ass out of yourself or give away information you would rather not be broadcast on the wrong channel.

I like the /help join but maybe it would be better if commands had a /join help syntax. To explain a little, a /group help or /guild help functionality. I understand that if you type /group by itself you get help contents but I am just thinking of keeping it consistent. So I could type /join or /group and /join would give me the channels but /group gives me help. Now I would know I need to try /join help to actually get the help I was looking for.

Anyway, sorry for being so verbose but I am just kicking ideas around in my head.
Jul 10, 2006 Demonen link
How about one tab for Guild, one for Group and one for Channels?
That's not so bad?

I know it's based on a completely different (and mouse-driven) GUI, but the Anarchy Online chat system is Just Perfect and Well Customizable.