Forums » Suggestions

PDA notes section

Jul 03, 2006 Klabbath link
One thing I'd like to do is be able to keep notes in my PDA. With all of the stations and commerce items available, keeping what sells where for how much in my little melon is quickly getting insurmountable. Although I'm so stupid I followed the wrong convoy yesterday. (Dude, I am STILL laughing at myself over that.)

In addition, I'd love to see the ability for players to generate a "map" of routes. (similar to the way a convoy mission uploads a navigation map as the mission starts.) I would especially like this to be transferable from player to player. (Although a cool restriction would be that you have to be in the same sector.)

Here's the scene: A seedy smuggler's den in Pelatus Bunker. Tobacc smoke lingers in the air, and the stench of flightsuits worn too long after engagements with pirates and hive swarms gives the greasy air an acrid taste. Two men warily gaze at one another over their Tor'Dhar ale.

"You said you had something for me?" The smaller man challenges, eyes shifting back and forth from the crowd to the door to the larger man across from him.

"I do." The larger man leans forward, elbows on the table, hands cupping his drink as if to warm it. "What would you say to a nav map showing a route that guaranteed a 4k profit on each crate of heliocine you could carry-- a route that avoided all known pirate clusters, and still got you to the system in four jumps?"

"I'd say that the developers need to add a way for you to get that map to me in the game." The smaller man sighs and rolls his eyes to the heavens.

According to the Wiki there's a way to save navroutes, but it really doesn't expound on it, and there doesn't seem to be a way within the game to "beam" (for those of you with Palm devices) a navroute to another player.

One thing I'd like to do is encourage player-toplayer interaction, and this sort of thing would demand it. Want that navroute? You have to find a player willing to meet with you and sell it to you. Can you trust him? Can he trust you? I think it would be a cool dynamic, although I haven't a clue how difficult it would be to implement.

"Nigel the Indecently Dressed"
"Legin the Naked"
Jul 05, 2006 raybondo link
There's a Mission Notes in the PDA/Missions tab. You can type whatever you want in there. It's a crappy text editor, though.

Type /navroute to get the info on how to save/load navroutes.
Jul 05, 2006 Klabbath link
Hi Ray;

I didn't make myself very clear (and I found the mission notes tab right after I made that post, naturally.) What I'm really hoping for is the ability to trade navroutes within the game, from player to player, almost like a commodity.

I'll check out the /navroutes when I get home. That might answer any further questions. Thanks!

Jul 07, 2006 Phaserlight link
Theoretically, one could trade navroutes from player to player... it's just not a very wieldy system or very well documented.

In fact, this type of thing is probably scriptable using the /navroute save, /navroute load and /msg commands. Both players would have to be using the same script tho... hmmm...

Anyway... the mission notes page is probably just a precursor of things to come.
Jul 07, 2006 Klabbath link
I'm sure it is, Phaser. The best thing about VO is the enormous framework I can see in place for some truly amazing things. I feel sort of privileged to be a part of it, actually.
