Forums » Suggestions

new interface suggestions.

Jul 09, 2006 Spellcast link
Ok, overall the whole newly revamped station GUI is definitely headed in the right direction..

A few suggestions to make it more logical IMO however... all tabs referenced in this post are in top/side/bottom order.

1. move the options button. or more accurately move the LAUNCH button. i'd put the options button where the [set home] button is and move the other two down accordingly. It just seems wierd to me that the launch button is between those two.

2. color code the information tabs...
-have each of the top tabs [commerce, equipment,PDA Bar] be a different color.
-On the right side buttons alternate them between a lighter or darker shade of that color, with all of the bottom buttons associated with that right side button being the opposite.
-(so if the equipment tab was blue then the top button on the right [manage] would be light blue, the second [buy] would be dark blue, and the third [sell] would be light blue again. for each of the right buttons the sub-buttons at the bottom would be the opposite, this way as you click through the choices the sub-choices would change color as a way to grab your attention.

-2-b. some buttons inside the main window need special emphasis, the [purchase selected] button in the [equipment/buy/buy ship] tab for instance. The LAUNCH button perhaps... something to add emphasis, maybe a different color button border than the text.. a slightly larger font size.. not sure what exactly.

-2-c. change the right hand [buy] button under the equipment tab to [purchase] and the [buy Ship] button at the bottom of that tab to just read [ships] Then change the [purchase selected] [purchase preset #] buttons to [buy selected] and [buy preset #].
this would eliminate some confusion in explaining to a new player the order to click buttons when buying things AND make the [buy] button consistent through the addon tabs at the bottom.
--actually while looking at that, switch the color pallete and the [purchase]/[purchase preset] buttons. (and the ship list and description bar with the ship picture if needed) so that the [buy] button is in the same place in ALL of the permutations of the main window.