Forums » Suggestions

Player Kill List

Aug 25, 2006 tianzi link
Would it be possible, as part of the HUD/PDA update process, to be able to put a list of players killed by the targeted player?
For Example:
I target one particular player and press "K" on my keyboard. I'd then see a list for this player of his/her last 10 player kills. This list would include "Name of Player Killed"; "Date of that kill"; "Location of this Player kill".

This would facilitate the institution of a player sponsored bounty hunt system.

Requesting Comments from the VO community in regards to this suggestion.
Aug 25, 2006 upper case link
it's technically possible.

the devs have mentioned somewhat recently that the server records all of this.

but do you really want to clutter your screen with that?

i can understand wanting to have a list of those you killed, but getting those of someone else might actually be a breach of privacy. there's no galaxy record of who killed who that's justifiably accessible.
Aug 26, 2006 tianzi link
"but do you really want to clutter your screen with that?"

I don't envision this cluttering any screen anymore than targeting and "looking" at another player's licenses does already. What I hope to achieve with the maintenance and general viewing of this list is (again) a player sponsored bounty system.

"but getting those of someone else might actually be a breach of privacy."

I don't see how this could be a breach of privacy if another player could already view your licenses and your totals and player kills (as we already have the ability to do now).
Aug 26, 2006 Antz link
For a player-run bounty system it would be sufficient for a dying player ship to drop a unique cargo drop (black box?) recording the ship model, pilot, time, and probable reason of death of the ship (e.g. killed by <bounty hunter name>) as the item description.
Aug 26, 2006 upper case link
licenses are public knowledge. take analogy from "real life". you can call up a number to find out if one's driver's license is in order before lending that person your car.

on the other hand, there are no public records of who that person might have hit with his own car.

back in-game;

let's say that character x has killed a bunch of people. some of them your friends or otherwise allies. if you've never been told by those friends of yours that x has killed them, why should you know?

imagine the retaliation arguments. "oh! this x sucker killed y, my deer friend, in the past! lets gank/harass the sucker!". for all you know, perhaps that was an accidental kill such as in some big skirmish or even just a duel.

that's the kind of privacy i'm talking about.
Aug 27, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I agree, upper case. I think what should happen instead is some sort of more conventional police force, which players can join if they want. If a kill or other crime is witnessed, then it can go in a public record. I also think that only this public record should affect faction standing. This would be tricky to implement, though, and I can wait. Meanwhile, don't worry about it, just get good information by word of mouth, or keyboard.