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Random text editing idea

Oct 25, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
In the Manual Forward, the following: There will be benefits for players who have maintained accounts for longer (special equipment and options for "veteran players" each time new content is added).

Get rid of it. We no longer believe this to be true, much less coming "Soon-tm"... and it's apt to discourage n00blets from joining (funny that I should be thinking of them, no?), due to concerns of elitism.

[EDIT]My personal favorite is the "each time new content is added"[/EDIT]
Oct 25, 2006 silentsuicide link
Awww see, you really do care about newbies, its just before you were completely totally confused as to how to show your affection. Repeat after me, killing every ship I come across does not say "I love you"

But yeah, I agree with removing one piece though, only the equipment part. I'd like to think that at some point we can have something that sets veteran accounts apart from, but not above, other accounts. Perhaps the cockpit of the older model ships can be gold or something. Or you could opt to have the glow from when CTF was around and you had the flag. More visual effects than anything else, no real benefit or loss, but it sets you apart from others. So say you've had the account for 6 months total, you get the OPTION to turn the cockpit exterior gold.

So change it, but make it quite clear that the "bonus" features will in no way shape or form benefit the receiving party, unless that benefit is to make your ship all shiny and cool looking. After all, I don't think many if any vets would actually take advantage of something that gave them an edge in the game just because they have been around longer.

Also because im still somehow awake, im gonna start listing visual improvements that could be this veteran reward.
Different color cockpit.
Ship glow from old CTF
"Neon" colors
Fireworks gun (0 damage, 0 concussion)
A tamed observer bot that follows you around (weak enough that the training gun can kill it, does 0 damage itself, takes up a small slot to launch)
GTS lettering on the sides of the ship.
Tye-dye coloring!

more to come as i think of them

Oct 25, 2006 Avenging Smurf link
Repeat after me, killing every ship I come across does not say "I love you"

Oct 25, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Veteran players get a free "Wand of Asskicking +3."
Oct 25, 2006 RelayeR link
OK. first off, I do not think vets in general feel elite however, I do not think downplaying the fact that some of us have been here and active for years is a good idea also.
In today's game, while some are disappearing after a few weeks or months or others are badmouthing everything that changes, some of us have rolled along with the Devs and have trusted their judgement.
While I feel for those that think they've wasted hours or days of game play to achieve a fleeting goal, don't forget that some of us would rather not see years of effort be wasted (I'm also glad most of you have not had to suffer through a total reset).

I, personally, do not want any reward or special from this game but, I also don't want my efforts forgotten.

[moved to suggestions]
Oct 25, 2006 undisclosed caller id link
well, i too dont want to throw a tantrum because something changed.

heck, things have change enough in my 2 years play that i dont really care if more things change. as long as there are benefits in the long run.

all i want for my efforts is the opportunity to have my very own pet hive queen.

chaos, i didn't get a "wand of asskicking +3" yet. it's been 2 years. whom do i address myself to for that?
Oct 25, 2006 Zed1985 link
I want the sword of a thousand truths!
Oct 25, 2006 genka link
We're kinda slow. Can someone explain to us why lecter thinks it would be funny that he's thinking of himself and his fellow n00blets?
Oct 25, 2006 Zed1985 link
Cause he's an evil bastard that kills everyone And likes to hurt n00bs. :D
Oct 25, 2006 Snax_28 link
Cause he's an evil bastard that....likes to hurt n00bs.
Oct 25, 2006 genka link
So, he's an evil emo?
Should be more optimistic doc! There's more to life than hurting yourself!
Oct 25, 2006 softy2 link
Look, we are down to arguing about sentences in the Manual!