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Economies of Bees

Dec 20, 2006 chillum baba link
Marzipan needs a lesson in entomology... if they're eating fruit, they are not bees but rather yellow jackets or wasps. And those are NOT very cute... yellow jackets will sting you just for looking at 'em. (I've seen a single yellow jacket chase a hummingbird away from a feeder.) Bees on the other hand (of course) die when they sting (the stinger has barbs and so tends to stay in the object that is stung, ripping out the bees guts (literally) when it pulls away from its victim. Bees are the original samurai, cept they commit hara-kiri at every battle), so they tend to save it for last resort... basically only if they feel they're gonna die anyways (vengeful little buggers) or in defense of the colony. Bumblebees (often confused with "true" bees) also don't die when they sting, and consequently are much more likely to sting you, though are not nearly aggressive as the wasp family.

So... Bees ARE cute. Wonderful little creatures actually. (kept approx. a million at a time as a child/teenager) (9 multi-super hives at peak, each hive containing 100-300k bees) The rest of the bee-like beasties are better left well enough alone.