Forums » Suggestions

Thinner fog in ion storms near the exits

Jan 12, 2007 roguelazer link
Incarnate mentioned that they could vary the thickness of the fog within a sector. I think it would be cool if there were no fog near the storm exits, and the fog tapered off as you approached the 1000m wide region. This would serve to visually differentiate the exits, along with looking cool. Yes? No?
Jan 12, 2007 upper case link
probably not.

it would make storm camping a bit too easy.
Jan 13, 2007 zamzx zik link
I'm all for it. It makes sense, and would look cool.

And uppercase, that would be a GOOD thing. Trading in storms is supposed to be hard to survive :)
Jan 14, 2007 terribleCabbage link
Makes sense, would make things more interesting. I'm up for it. :)
Jan 14, 2007 incarnate link
Actually, what I mentioned is that we can vary the *total* thickness within a sector. Right now we have no way of making one area foggier than another. There's a limited amount we can do, towards that, with the sprite-fogging.. but with the "per pixel" vertex fog.. it's continuous everywhere. So, for instance, if people start mining heavily in a sector, we can increase the "xithricite mining fog" value for the sector over time, but it will instantly increase the density of the fog out to an infinite distance.
Jan 14, 2007 Antz link
There is probably not much point in that, although making some soft of an Lport smoke machine or a portable storm generator could be interesting.

Setting low ambient fog in some sectors that should (where should == can be excused for the purpose of looking cool) be cloudy (e.g. near planets, near stars, maybe in some roid fields) would look cool.

The current fog thickness in storms is about right IMO.