Forums » Suggestions

Akanese system, take 2.

Feb 22, 2007 bojansplash link
Ok how about this:

Derelict cruiser located somewhere in Divinia. In station sector, empty or asteroid sector, whatever. For what its worth it can also be an existing Itani station in Divinia.
You enter cruiser/station, go to pda, there is a mission: *access to Akanese space*.
If your faction & standing matches, you get directions and a plotted course to Akanese wh location. Wh does not have to appear in the same location every time. It can be totally random.

3 stations: research, barracks, mining. /old station designs from alpha & beta could be used/
No need for commerce since they are keeping low profile and do not have any kind of official trade relations with the rest of the universe.

- Akanese transport *Trabant* /EC-89 variant /
- Akanese Centurion *Dagger* /IBG variant/
- Akanese Valkyrie *Sword of Akan* /valkyrie variant/
- Akanese Bomber *Hammer of Akan* /if it needs to be an existing ship model then just make an enhanced wraith variant with 2L and 1S port/

- Akanese gun *Annihilator* /variant of a nt3, lawgun, widowmaker or hive positron maybe/

- nuke bomb /works only with a specific *nukem* mission/

Serco: -1000 KOS permanently
UIT: - 599, max + 0
Itani: - 200, max + 210

Make Akanese admired by a few specific Itani stations.
Perhaps in Eo and Deneb since they saved them from Serco.

Itani could raise standing to respect and gain access to Akanese system by doing specific missions for Akanese faction /shady characters in a station bars missions would come in handy for this/. Althou no Akanese ships or weapons can be sold or used by anyone outside Akanese faction, Itani with respect status can trade and mine in Akanese space.
Also, Akanese should be able to gain admired status with some subfactions in greyspace, mainly Corvus or Tunguska.

Limited trade missions to greyspace factions and some Itani stations.
Akanese Basic & Advanced combat
Akanese Border patrol & skirmish
Akanese assassination or nukem mission
Mining missions

All comments are welcome. :)
Feb 22, 2007 upper case link
doesn't really make sense to get that mission from an itani system. that would be like legitimizing the akanese.

also, the trabant name is probably trademarked. it wouldn't have mattered if it was just a coincidence but there's already references to the plastic car and that might therefore be a problem.

we should probably define what these akanese missions ought to be to gain access. my guess involves killing n number of serco. perhaps within a ime limit.

one last thought is that this whole akanese thing misses out on one important factor: there aren't any serco to shoot at. or hardly any.

yeah. it'd be cool. but i think we dont need it for now.
Feb 22, 2007 bojansplash link
Why not upper?
Akanese have supporters among Itani.
Besides mission would appear only if you are Akanese or Itani with Akanese respect. Its just a way for Akanese to return to their system. Same thing with exiting, wh opens to random sector in Divinia. Different every time.

Names are not important. I just named ships for the fun of it.

Purpose of instating Akanese faction is very simple:

1. devs said they will do it
2. Its consistent with a backstory
3. It adds a new element in the game to play with

I am sure that not many players will choose Akanese faction since they are mostly hated everywhere so for VO veterans and adventurous newbies it could be a challenge to play Akanese.

And lack of Serco... well they are coming about.
Slowly, yes but they are coming.
And with Akanese faction addition there will be plenty opportunities for Serco side missions directed towards search & destroy Akanese.
Just make them extra rewarding and Serco will come. :)
Feb 22, 2007 upper case link
dont get me wrong. i like the idea and i think it would be cool. and yes i think we should think about an akanese side of the whole story. in in the other thread (dont want to highjack this one), i'm discussing why we need to perhaps make this a second step.

but i'm all for an akanese faction.

(oh... and mogul wasn't akanese! those are lies!)
Feb 23, 2007 Zed1985 link
Duno looks a bit too restrictive. especially the bad UIT standing would be really annoying.

We'd have to see how the new system works right? I mean it would be dum if you were to complete a proc mission for money and discover that all of a sudden you can't return to your main prefered system.
Feb 23, 2007 bojansplash link
Imho it has to be restrictive. Akanese are extremists. They are just not someone UIT should like, they are unrecognised as a nation/faction by the rest of the universe.

There should not be big procurement missions for Akanese. They dont officialy trade with the rest of the universe.
If you read my 1st post carefully you will find this:
*Limited trade missions to greyspace factions and some Itani stations.*
So I was thinking of only special delivery and delivery missions.
When you deliver goods to station you are offered mission to take something back. If you accept it, your course is plotted for the return trip. If not, you go home the *usual* way.
Same would apply to Itani who gained Akanese respect. Only select stations will offer delivery or special delivery missions to Akanese space, like i mentioned, prolly in Deneb and Eo.

Trading with Akanese is a shady deal so it should be rewarded handsomly.
Feb 24, 2007 toshiro link
Sounds good to me. This could be added along with cloaking stuffthingies (for us Serco) once they're possible/implemented.
Feb 24, 2007 bojansplash link
Weeeee, Tosh agrees with me on something.
I am happy. :)
Feb 24, 2007 bojansplash link
Another thing i forgot.

There will probably be cases when Akanese pilot will be followed/chased on his way to his home system so we have 2 solutions for this:
1. behind wh to Akanese space should be Akanese barracks station with prolly double number of guards and corresponding SF, in case pursuers jump in after him.
2. Wh can be entered/activated only by Akanese and Itani with Akanese +210 respect status. That would leave pursuers unable to follow him.
Feb 26, 2007 bojansplash link
And another thing.

For Inc only.

If you find this idea acceptable you can drop me a msg on IRC or mail.
I can get my inhouse 3D artist to do some *alteration & enhancing* of existing VO Itani/Akanese ships.
Free gift, it's worth a try. :)

Here is a sample of his work:
Feb 26, 2007 Aramarth link
2. Wh can be entered/activated only by Akanese and Itani with Akanese +210 respect status. That would leave pursuers unable to follow him.

We don't need to start adding silly or game-dynamics-ignorant rules just to make the Akanese cooler. BS factor isn't a positive thing in any game. If you play that faction expect to be hunted or hated by anyone you meet, and if you run like a newb, they ought to be just as capable of making you pay for it.

This is the same reason that I think pirates ought to be imprisoned if they are shot down by SF. Same for a Serco in Itan or an Itani in Pyronis. Heck, for any death at the hands of a SF. If you go down in hostile territory, you ought to feel the weight on your shoulders. It is the reality of having nowhere or few places to turn that defines lawlessness. It is desperation that gives an adrenaline rush some call 'fun.'

How could imprisonment work? It would be pretty easy.. I seem to recall america's army having such a system in place. Just don't let an imprisoned pilot launch for 12 hours or something. Then add it to the stats. Player Kills: 50 Deaths: 50 Imprisonments: 6
People will know how trustworthy you are by your number of prison sentences ;)

Me? Let me think.. all told, maybe a dozen sentences across my three pilots.

Edit: Snap, and for the pirates! Can't leave them out. If you're shot down by the unrats, you ought to need to be ransomed. Just make it a quick easy payment of 10% of your cash or something. Gosh I'd be poor on one of my pilots in particular..
Feb 26, 2007 upper case link
you absolutely can't imprison anyone. people are paying for access to the game and locking them up in a state that's not of their control is totally wrong and *will* have consequences on player base.

that's why the faction system is there. it's a punitive consequence to any wrongdoing but is not limiting in how you can play. it might affect how you do things for a while (rework faction) but it wont keep you from playing.

perhaps a cash fine system could also be introduced.

in that line of thought, i had suggested *long* ago that we might make payment to the marshal to re-establish faction up to a certain degree (say neutral). for that to work, we'd also have to be able to /givemoney to someone in another sector. this would be viewed as a fine. not a bribe.
Feb 26, 2007 Aramarth link
Neutral is too much. Just to the point of docking privileges at most, -599.

I can see your point. Call it an arrest instead, make it catch and release like fishing, you launch from the station that swatted you in a freebus and pay a fine.

Sound fair?
Feb 26, 2007 bojansplash link
Its just one of 2 options I suggested. And no, it was not my intention to make Akanese cooler, the only reason was to make them hard to find and get into their space and be consistent with the backstory.
Imho, playing Akanese in VO universe would not be very rewarding. They will get hunted a lot. It would be more of a challenge for veteran players to play Akanese than anything else.

And upper is right, you can't imprison anyone who is paying to play.
Before it was removed the old *Bounty system* had a great way of dealing with pirates and nasty pk-ers. You would get a bounty on your head. After you get bounty hunted and killed you lose xp points in all your stats and Bounty hunter gets a substantial monetary award.
It was actually fun and pain at the same time.
I say, get Bounty system back!
Jun 29, 2007 akenaten link
The game desperately needs akanese because as it is now you get a choice between PETA hippie buddhist Itani; goose-stepping final solution, we are the master race Sercos; or the we have no values except trade and money spineless wannabe UIT . Where is the side that represents reasoned offensive response to aggression and ethnic cleansing?

All the sides in this game with the exception of the Akanese are totally repugnant.

PS the reason there are so few Sercos is that few wanna play a side so absolutely vile.
Jun 29, 2007 Shadoen link
Akenaten, the Akanese ARE repugnant, they are extremists nazi imperialist supremacists ninnies. And lets not forget the fact that when tey were part of itanis, they started the whole conflict with the serco. They started it, but then the serco striked back, killed their leader, and made them run away like scared rats.

Now, the idea of an Akanese faction sounds fine to me, but why make the Serco KOS permanently, thats not fair. I agree with making it Serco KOS,but not permanently.

Serco and Itan are big time enemies, but still a Serco can raise its standing to POS with itan.
Maybe, what could be done is that if a serco player increased its standing with Akanese faction, he would lose Serco standing equal to 1/2 of the akanese faction gained.

Also, you are overpowering them with their available weapons which would be variants of rare powerful guns which players from other factions obtain by harder methods. So, making these weapons easily available to them in a station would be unfair to the others.

Making ways to protect akanese pilots from pursuers is unfair too(double defense and sf at stations and WH available to players only with good standing). Every other pilot can just run to a sector with a station that protects him, and dock there without that much protection.

Making the WH available to players with good standing while having serco be permanent KOS is unfair to Serco players. We also have the right to explore those systems and fool around wth sf or killing newbies and miners.

Besides, its a bad idea since WH behavior and locations cannot be controlled by anyone, so at least, provide a reasonable logical explanation of why the Akanese would be able to do this while niether Serco, Itan, or UIT cant.

Some of the ship names are a bit too cheesy...and the would be valkyrie bomber variant with the 2L and 1S ports would be overpowered. The valkyrie already has lots of variants. Its already a pain in the ass as it is right now. Giving them 2L would render our beloved Proms useless. People say Proms are overpowered and too powerful, but Itans have larger numbers and their IBGs and valkyries, let us have the strong ship. So, please, Think of the Promjocks.

All things said, i think an Akanese faction would be a nice addition to the game.
Jun 29, 2007 upper case link
before you add anotgher system, let's try to add population in the existing ones.

and i think one of them is too many.
Jun 30, 2007 moldyman link
"Add content so more people come"

"Wait for more people before adding content"

Anyway, all the races are equally fallable in their vision and leadership (look at our world today, hint hint). They all think they are right, and all have their own unique way of doing things.

As for the Akanese, I agree with Bojan about the trade missions and such. The Akanese would be, by and large, self sufficient. It would fit that the character would be likewise, secluded and more seperated from the world at large.
Jun 30, 2007 ryan reign link
imo...I think the standing with UIT is silly, UIT is a losse confederation of money makers, it would...(imo) more logical that a group that considers themselves to be noble would trade with legitimate groups...(quietly)...rather than pirates, but all in all I think its a cool idea.
Jun 30, 2007 Aleksey link
Serco and Itan are big time enemies, but still a Serco can raise its standing to POS with itan.
Maybe, what could be done is that if a serco player increased its standing with Akanese faction, he would lose Serco standing equal to 1/2 of the akanese faction gained.

Shadoen, you forgot about faction system re-work, which will take place much earlier before Akanese system will be introduced

But you make a lot of good points in your post