Forums » Suggestions


Mar 31, 2007 PsyRa link
I know we are going to see tons of this, I just think that for this forum to continue to be useful, it is going to have to be controlled.

Usually I just post links back to the older threads, however with a comment like "Grr, why cant you people see the light?", which can easily be taken as a "you guys are dolts for not thinking of this", I figured it deserved a stronger response.

I personally love the idea of locking the real suggestions thread, and only having a place to post "possible suggestions". Then the ones that get the "Stamp of approval" or "new idea" could be moved into a more condensed and readable forum.
Apr 04, 2007 googfroog link
First of all: I read the little"what not to post" prior to posting this topic, and I noticed NONE of the topics stated anything remotley related to owning sectors and stocking it with asteroids and whatnot. I didnt read all the posted-to-death things personally, but none topic titles seemed to have any relation to said ownership of sectors.

Secondly and lastly, "Grr, why cant you see the light?' was not intended as an insult, but rather as a question in the tone of frustration at the resistance to something that would add more depth to the game.

But honestly, give it some thought... your own sector.....all yours....oooooohh....
Plus, the location of the sector adheres to the current economy of the faction it is controlled by, so if heliocene sells high in itani sector, then the sector you own in itani space will buy heliocene at a high price too.

Apr 04, 2007 PsyRa link
Ok, you asked for it, here it is. Players "owning" their own sectors is a bad idea because:

1.) This is a combat game primarily. Plans are in place for players to eventually "own" things other than their own ships. Capital ships, Stations, Stock in national economy, as well as others that have been mentioned. Mineral rights to a sector is not one of those.

2.) Military might is planned to be the arbiter of ownership of a given area of space, for as long as that might can be maintained. Struggle for control of key sectors, minerals, and possible the means of production is part of the "big picture".

3.) There are 30 systems and 16X16-4 squares per system for a total of 7560 sectors. Not enough to go around to everyone who could want to "own" one.

4.) Each sector is custom crafted. Asteroid mineral mixes and such are not dynamic. I have no idea what work is actually involved, but the creation and alteration of sectors is not an automated process, therefore your request would require developer time for every single player who would want to "order" one of these. Even if it was 1 Hr per sector, that would be 945 man days of developer labor, or one staff member for almost three years.

5.) Your over all plan, of being able to re-sell these rights, smacks of an attempt to earn credits without actual work on the players part. Even in the most liberal economies created for games like this, with players controlling fleets of slave ships traders/miners/manufactures all earning money with little or no player involvement, no game lets you earn credits for no work indefinitely, and most certainly not without risk or exposure to your fellow aggressive players.

6.) Sectors are HUGE. Ideas have been requested for by the Developers on how to fill them. Multiple stations, asteroid fields, and other components, as well as ways of traversing this space in a balanced and fair way. Owning one of these HUGE sectors is totally unreasonable. Parceling out areas of these sectors, equally unreasonable.

Bottom line, players purchasing and owning their own sectors is a VERY BAD IDEA.
Apr 05, 2007 Aramarth link
then the sector you own in itani space will buy heliocene at a high price too.
Even now, selling some item at a station reduces the price at which it can be sold. Putting a Helio sector next to a Helio-starved economy will instantly drive the price DOWN due to availability.

This reminds me of a half dozen college courses; farmers decided to plant more crops when prices went down, to "make the same amount of money." More on the market drove the price down still further, compounding the problem- not providing a solution.
Apr 05, 2007 googfroog link
Hmmm, well, you have a point there PsyRa...

Although i wouldnt say this was a "bad" idea, just an idea that cannot be implemented due technological and gameplay oriented problems.

Who knows? maybe they might implement this feature someday....
Apr 05, 2007 Zed1985 link
Well I would say it's a bad idea. Bad for an MMO, could work for a sort of space Sim-city thingy, but makes no sense for an MMO
Apr 08, 2007 MasterOfPower link
why are people still talking about this useless shit? people play this game to have fun and get into a guild and kick the crap out of other people. owning a sector would start a whole other part of the game, sooner or later people would be asking about build a frickin SUBURB or some other bullshit. and i really hate it when those damn n00bs dont look at the "PRPTPAS" it pisses everyone off and i also think that someone should have a full subscription to the game and be playing for at least 2 months before being able to past a new thread. if im ranting too fucking bad.
Apr 09, 2007 mgl_mouser link
OMG OMG OMG! Buy a suburb! Woooooooo!!!!!!!!

I want to buy a station dock! Instant revenues on ship repairs! Wipee!


Actually, we stopped talking about this last thursday until you brought it up.
Apr 09, 2007 MasterOfPower link
/kicks mgl_mouser in the nuts

thats too bad, and yet the basic subject of the "post" by me was that designated "n00bs" have to wait in silence for two months before "posting a new thread".

/bitch slaps the living crap out of mgl_mouser

[EDIT] aww crap... that dictionary made me sound like an ass-hole didnt it?
Apr 09, 2007 mgl_mouser link
No. Not the dictionary.