Forums » Suggestions

THe quote basic unquote mining badges

May 06, 2007 moldyman link
Err... does anyone else think one million crates is a bit much for a "basic" mining badge?

Just as a simple non professional study, it takes me about.... 5 minutes with a nice roid to mine 120 crates and return to the station. Maybe a bit long, I haven't mined in a bit but let's use five minutes. 1,000,000 divided by 120 is about 8,334. 8,334 times 5 minutes is 41,667 minutes or 694.4 hours or 28.935 days. Straight.

As a comparison, here is my account info:

Signed up 2005-07-21 23:01:08 Account type: Subscriber
Time spent online: 143 days, 8:26:00

So in the past two years, it would have taken me roughly one fourth of my time on JUST mining. That's a lot of f'ing time.

So the suggestion part:

Cut the top two down by 90%. So 100,000 crates takes about 3 days of mining. Any person mining knows that's grueling but not undoable.
May 06, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
But the method for getting isn't particularly advanced. Basic in the case might mean simple, instead of quick, easy, or painless. And isn't that for level 3 anyways?
May 06, 2007 moldyman link
How do you make mining "difficult" unless you require specific rare ores? Besides keeping one's sanity, I mean.
May 06, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
"It [mining] should become less boring before long, because of all the other related stuff we're trying to do (making the Hive compete dynamically for ore, making ores tie into the economy etc), but interesting changes to the actual functionality of mining would be cool too." -incarnate

Plus that thread has some other cool ideas on advancing the actual mechanics of mining, potentially opening up new high scores to achieve. But you can't expect advanced badges when the game is still in a more basic stage.
May 06, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
There should be separate ribbon branches for each of the rare ores, with nifty gear going along with advanced levels. Specialization ftw!
May 07, 2007 toshiro link
I concur with Lecter *checks the proverbial sky*.
May 07, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
*sky falls on Tosh, eats his liver*
May 07, 2007 toshiro link
Luckily, livers have the uncanny ability of growing back. I can easily imagine you picking on livers, like that silly eagle did on Prometheus'.
May 07, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Indeed, it's a unique organ with respect to regenerative powers. And deliciousness.
May 07, 2007 incarnate link
There will be more specific badges for particular rare ores, among other things. Anyway, I can look at nerfing the top basic miner badge. I tried to make them generally a steep curve at the end, so people would have a longer term goal. I also assume that future additions to the game will potentially make mining in quantity easier. But, we don't have those yet, and we can add an Advanced Miner tree someday.
May 07, 2007 mgl_mouser link
steep curve like the 40-some mentor thing?

I dont know a single one that got that through legit means. It's still ridiculously high.
May 07, 2007 Antz link
I like the mining badge levels, it gives people a long term goal. I see people working towards the highest one already, and it is good. A month of mining (closer to 4 months IRL) should do it. The game needs to cater for different sorts of players, and xith addicts are human too.

As for mentor badge, it is more to do with mentor system being too complex to work. If a player could give a mentor point by just saying something like "/mentor <name> [good|bad]" (default being good), without any inviting, assigning, etc. you might see more legitimate use.
May 07, 2007 Whistler link
Why didn't you just use quotation marks?
May 07, 2007 moldyman link
I was going for an effect. It failed...
May 07, 2007 Whistler link
You...don't do that thing with your fingers when you talk, right?
May 07, 2007 moldyman link
No, not that bad.
May 08, 2007 Jim Kirk link
Whistler means air-quotes...
May 08, 2007 moldyman link
Yes, I know what he means.
May 08, 2007 zamzx zik link
Eh, I got the mentor badges without cheating. I simply was annoying. (that was at the start of 'em..)
I was asked to cheat by some dude, but I didn't...

For one thing, I didn't want HIM to get the medal ; )