Forums » Suggestions

Target of target

May 07, 2007 Rejected link
i was just thinking it might be nice to have like an optional added line to a targeted ship that shows who that ship is targeting, that way you can tell if a bot is going to attack you, or if its just leaving the system. plus in gray space i'd like to know if yoda has me targeted ><
May 08, 2007 toshiro link
If this were to be implemented, it should be a prerogative of capital ships or radar scouts, to provide this as an overlay for ships in the same group or subordinate ships (like, for instance, fighter escorts of a Trident).
May 08, 2007 Will Roberts link
As suggested, no. Maybe a group or a shared target command, but to magically eavesdrop on another ships targeting... No.
May 08, 2007 Cunjo link
Such functionality should only be available if you have a special observation ship in your group. Otherwise, you should only be able to tell if someone else is targeting you.
May 08, 2007 Zed1985 link
Yeah I agree with Cunjo. You should be able to tell if someone is targetting you (let's assume we are still using radars). But you shouldn't be able to see whom a random person is targetting.

That would both add to the realism and not be too exploitable.
May 08, 2007 LeberMac link
How about only telling you when you have a guided-missile lock on you. So if anyone has homing missiles equipped, and targets you, you get a quick "bloop bloop" or something.
May 08, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Since every gun in VO (even the rails, I'm pretty sure) have atleast some degree of turreting on, it could make sense that those trigger the same "bloop bloop" that homing missles would. Of course, the way to get around that is to turn auto-aim off. I guess flares wouldn't necessarily do it.