Forums » Suggestions

Ship names

May 09, 2007 WarSong link
Heres how i name my ships (which ever type i am using):
Warthog - URF.Loose Cannon
Revanant - URM.Ruxperia I
Vulture - URLF.Stalker
Ragnarok - URHF.PringerX

Heres a break down:

URF(LF,HF,M)<Ship's name>
||- Fighter (Light Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Multirole)
|- Registered (UIT specific)
-Union (UIT)

SDF(LF,HF,M)<Ship's name>
||- Fighter (Light Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Multirole)
--Serco Dominion(Serco)

Craft specific to a particular group, such as the biocom vulture
might have their own designations.

the point:
some basic ability to nickname the craft and some guidelines for the designator if anyone wants to use it. i pitched the idea to delphi, she loved it, said i should post it.
May 09, 2007 toshiro link
I apologize for raining on your parade, but:
(Thread Title: VO Ship Names)

Found using the forum's search function (It does work, mwaha...)

Also, you should perhaps read this prior to posting a suggestion. I found the topic in there, as well. That means it has been discussed to death and back to life again many times over.

Please relay this to Delphi, as well.
May 09, 2007 WarSong link
i was really suggesting designators, and figured some folks may have ideas for faction specific craft.

corvus based craft for example; what sort of designator should they use? should corvian craft lack one on purpose? (without some special scrambling device)