Forums » Suggestions

Player-to-Player missions

May 14, 2007 ShankTank link
For example, creating custom missions with rewards you, yourself, set up and posting it ingame in a special player missions station PDA tab. For example, a player is really rich, but they are just too lazy to farm a buttload of Hive Queen Positron blasters. So they set up a mission saying to deliver to the station: 10 Hive Queen posis for a reward of x (where x=big moneys) credits. Say someone completes the mission, they get the credits the lazy player paid to create the mission and the posis go to the lazy player's station inventory. Sure, there could be bounties, or item rewards, or credit objectives, or there could be some sick, bored rich guy making extremely tedious and boring missions for desperate players to do to get big moneys. Also in your PDA it would say who completed your mission and you could look at who created the mission you're doing and that player's info page so you know you're not completing a mission that will end up being the doom of you. Also there would be a description page and possibly, someday, badges? :o

What say you? And be free to critisize/add on.
May 14, 2007 incarnate link
Fundamentally, this is where the whole missions thing has been heading for.. many years. The idea of player-owned stations, which may then post missions to fulfill various requirements. Supplying their manufacturing equipment with ore, carrying their refined products to be sold at more distant markets, defending locations, attacking enemies, and the like. The missions could be interchangeably taken by either NPCs or PCs, or a combination, scaling by users online and so on.

So.. we're headed there. Whether we'll make it possible in the nearer term for anyone (without station ownership) is uncertain, although it would be interesting.
May 14, 2007 upper case link
i'll use the occasion to push my own agenda once more:

May 14, 2007 smittens link
How is this your agenda, uc? There's no mention of a guild bank?

Also, ShankTank, while I agree it would be a cool thing to have, couldn't we pretty much do this as it is, without an official system? Plenty of people pay others to transport things for them...
May 15, 2007 upper case link
*that station* is the guild bank!
May 15, 2007 LeberMac link
Funds go IN, but don't come OUT!
May 15, 2007 PsyRa link
How far off would player VS player missions be.

I would like to see, and be able in the PCC to build, missions where ...

{Serco} Go to sector X and mine X resources, spawns an available mission in an Itan base of
{Itan} Go to sector X and stop the invading Serco Miner.

I think you get the picture.
May 16, 2007 incarnate link
PsyRa: we will probably need the Kourier framework to be functional before that's possible. Then the PCC bot-handling code will need to be migrated to use Kourier bots, and someone (Andy) will need to write the feature you describe. So.. we're headed in the direction of making that possible, at least. It's something I would like as well.
May 16, 2007 PsyRa link
I kinda figured that there was a desire for this type of thing, what with the existing attempts (BP,BS missions locked to specific sectors with opposing missions for Itan and Serco in each sector.)

Just wanted to bring it up on the forums is all, and this seemed an appropriate thread.