Forums » Suggestions

The Death of Red.

Jul 10, 2003 Celebrim link
Devs: Please reset the economy and reduce the money produced when you capture a flag. You've inadvertantly killed the red team. A few die hards stuck with red through thick and thin out of loyalty and because by and large, they weren't losing anything to do so. But now that any n00b who happens to be logged into Blue or Gold at the end of a successful flag capture gets 1,000,000 cr I think that there is just too much pressure on people - especially new people - to change teams. Give red a break and let the team recover before noone plays them.
Jul 10, 2003 Arolte link
Well I'm hoping that once the problem of rocket rammers has been fixed, once all the engines have been balanced, once CTF is fixed or removed, once every player is only allowed to be affiliated one nation, and once the economy is more dynamic... THEN there should be another full reset. There are a lot of things that need to be fixed right now, so until a lot of the above things are addressed I suggest holding off on a full reset.

For what it's worth capping should be a lot more harder than it is now. Most of today's successful cappers simply found a way to break or fool the AI code of the bots. Giving the bots a powerful engine and gun wasn't the answer. It's the AI code of the bots that's the problem. And until they get really smart, players will continue exploiting the dumbness of the bots to their advantage. The only thing we can do now is wait for updates.
Jul 11, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
Rocket ramming is not a problem worth holding off on a reset.
Engine issues don't represent one either.
Just quiet down, Arolte...the devs have shown that they know what they're doing. Let them do their stuff and code. Don't try to design Vendetta for them. To me and some others, it seems like you've become the self-appointed lead designer.

The game may well get reset anyway once the economy goes dynamic.

Red is going to die if you don't help things out some.
Jul 11, 2003 Arolte link
Sorry for making suggestions. You don't suppose this is the SUGGESTIONS forums, is it?

For what it's worth though, some players have been turned off by all the rocket ramming and have even gone so far as to quit, simply because the game is less fun with it.

In regards to the engines, something was fixed/balanced in a previous version and now it's broken again. I'm not going to idly stand by and see all the non-specials become weak again, you can be sure of that.

If you're suggesting that I've wasted your time, you should probably reread what you've posted. You're asking the devs to fix CTF, which is a part of the game that will eventually be taken out completely anyway. Red ISN'T going to be phased out just because they've lost in CTF stats or money. Anyone can live off a few million credits for several months. Heck, I don't believe there ever was a time when stats meant anything besides which nation had the most players or who played the longest. The sky isn't falling, Henny Penny.
Jul 11, 2003 Eldrad link
Engines were not fixed before. The privalliged few who knew how to turbo tap killed and pirated those who did not know without any chance of being caught or ganged up on.

You keep asking for 'balance' by making 1 super engine that is great at fighting and chasing. I still don't see why you don't switch to the hvy engine since you dislike the med so much. I know of many players who still use the hvy and many who have switched to it. Your right that the hvy is no longer the only engine used but all the engine with the exception of the free and light are balanced. Once we get out of a test enviornment where the devs are providing easy money the light engine will have a place.

I would be surprised if the devs didn't do a reset for 3.3.0, since there will be an economy change, and missions will probably start providing a source of income (maybe will replace capping).
Jul 11, 2003 roguelazer link
UH, red is going to be hurt by that nonetheless. Take this situation:

A new player hears about vendetta and checks out the website. The screenshots look pretty cool, and the freeness is nice, so he decides to check it out. He doesn't know which team to pick, so he looks at Nation Rankings. He sees that blue and gold are tied for first place in the easist-to-read stat, so he picks one of them.

Or how about this one?

A new player creates an account on vendetta and decides to help the smallest nation, red. He logs on and is the only red player on. As he undocks, a squadron of blues flies in and grabs the flag. He knows something's bad and tries to stop them, but they outnumber him 12 to 1. He is killed many times.

Both of those things reflect how the low flag caps stat CAN hurt red. I vote for a full reset anyhow. We all have too much money, so unless we get frigates and junk to spend it on, you'd better take it away. 3.3 should be reset day.
Jul 11, 2003 Celebrim link
Arolte: Somehow you manage to come off not as making suggestions but as making demands.

Its not like I was asking for much. I mean, if clearing a field in the SQL database that is probably running behind this is tough, the devs shouldn't bother doing it. If dropping a pair of zeros and changing a digit in one number is tough, I certainly don't expect the devs to listen to this suggestion. Its just me jumping up and down waving my arms and saying , "Heh Devs, I don't know if you noticed but the new ctf rules while an overall improvement are putting undo pressure on the team that least needs to have pressure put on it." But at least I'm still smiling when I say that, and hey, if they don't listen its no skin off my nose anyway. I'm not Red.

You on the hand appear to be making demands and you've gotten awfully abrasive in the past two months or so.

"...once the problem of rocket rammers has been fixed, once all the engines have been balanced, once CTF is fixed or removed, once every player is only allowed to be affiliated one nation, and once the economy is more dynamic... THEN there should be another full reset."

What in the heck does an economic reset have to do with rocket ramming, balanced engines, or nation affiliation? Must the devs fix engines and rockets to your specifications before an economic reset and if so, why? I don't think either has anything to do with the other. One only has to talk to Red players, or talk to n00bs that switched to Blue to get few million for free, or look at the ammount of money owned by the three teams to understand that there is a growing problem.

For your information Arolte, some players have been turned off by you (and your ilk) and have decided to stop playing simple because the game is less fun with you whining, insulting, assualting, fuming, ranting everywhere. Why is it that the only suggestions you have are for helping Arolte or helping weapons and ships Arolte likes using? Why is it that everyone should have to play the game the way Arolte wants them to play? Why do most of your suggestions involve ripping some feature out of the game and replacing it with one of your design, rather than a modification or addition to some feature which the devs are apparantly devoted to? And why should everyone in the game have to put up with you vigorously attacking them verbally and otherwise, and put up with your insults and snears just because they don't play the game the way Arolte 'suggests' that they do?

I'm sick and tired of hearing about 'rocket ramming'. I wish I'd never invented the term. It's starting to be used as a euphamism on the level of 'n_____' or 'k___' or some other ugly word that you hope to never see in print, and its mostly you that have turned it from a description of a tactic to the description of a player.

People have become frustrated at times with alot of things in the game. Don't be so pretentious as to assert that everyone that has quit out of frustration has the exact same opinions as yourself, because I can assure you that that is not the case.
Jul 11, 2003 Buckaroo link
Celebrim: relax. In a game with three teams, one team is always the lowest - but the equilibirum changes continously.

A couple of weeks ago, Serco was the strongest team - and Itani the weakest.

Then Itani took the role of the leading team - now it's seems so that Neutral got the lead again.

It's no pretty sight seing Serco down - but it looks like if Serco is going to come back, so it's just a matter of time.

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Jul 11, 2003 Arolte link
Eldrad, head on over to this thread to discuss engine tweaking:

I don't want to repeat what I've posted before.

Now moving on to the flamewar Celebrim has started...

>Arolte: Somehow you manage to come off not as making
>suggestions but as making demands.

That's your personal interpretation. While I had no intention of "making demands", a lot of the posts here tend to get buried in flamewars and arguments. I also noticed that you need to repeat things more than once just to get people to read your posts on these forums. Sorry if it sounded pushy.

>"Heh Devs, I don't know if you noticed but the new
>ctf rules while an overall improvement are putting undo
>pressure on the team that least needs to have pressure
>put on it." But at least I'm still smiling when I say that, and
>hey, if they don't listen its no skin off my nose anyway. I'm
>not Red.

Yeah that's great. But um... there are bigger issues at hand other than resetting scores and money. Losing money quickly in 3.2 is a hard thing to do, so clearly that's not the issue here. Oh wait, was it score? Does anybody REALLY care about this? I really think you're taking this waaay too seriously.

Let me take a quote off of your original post:

>Devs: Please reset the economy and reduce the money
>produced when you capture a flag. You've inadvertantly
>killed the red team.

I notice the word "killed" being used there, as if the Serco nation has beem doomed to eternity all because they don't have a high number of captures or 90 billion dollars instead of 90 million dollars. Oh boohoo.

"...once the problem of rocket rammers has been fixed, once all the engines have been balanced, once CTF is fixed or removed, once every player is only allowed to be affiliated one nation, and once the economy is more dynamic... THEN there should be another full reset."

Those weren't demands. If you read this quote carefully you'll notice that it's using a FYI sort of tone that suggests that there are many more problems right now that need to be addressed OTHER than fixing CTF, which is something that'll be gone eventually anyway.

>What in the heck does an economic reset have to do with >rocket ramming, balanced engines, or nation affiliation?
>Must the devs fix engines and rockets to your
>specifications before an economic reset and if so, why? I

Read above. Your questions seem to question whether I DID in fact make demands, so you yourself are skeptical as to what I was trying to get across.

>For your information Arolte, some players have been
>turned off by you (and your ilk) and have decided to stop
>playing simple because the game is less fun with you
>whining, insulting, assualting, fuming, ranting everywhere.

Hey that's great. Tell that to someone who cares. Obviously you're trying to start a flamewar here, and you're only gonna get your own thread locked in the process. Congratulations.

>Why is it that the only suggestions you have are for helping
>Arolte or helping weapons and ships Arolte likes using?

You want to know why? Because not many people use the ships I like. Everybody flies a Valkyrie ship loaded with triple sunflares or triple gauss. Very few people fly other non-special ships other than the Vulture and Warthog. SOMEbody needs to test those other ships that few people bother using. Somebody has to express concern for them if they're not being used as much as they should be.

>Why is it that everyone should have to play the game the
>way Arolte wants them to play? Why do most of your
>suggestions involve ripping some feature out of the game
>and replacing it with one of your design, rather than a
>modification or addition to some feature which the devs
>are apparantly devoted to?

It's not MY way. Again, read above. I try to test every nook and cranny of Vendetta and just because I happen to like a ship that very few people use doesn't mean I'm trying to fix things for myself. Partly it's true though, and I admit it, but if the devs have any interest in promoting ship diversity, they probably should look into the suggestions offered by someone who doesn't use the same frickin' uber ship and config every single frickin' time.

Did you envision this game to be some type of rocket ramming arena where everyone uses the same exact ship over and over? If you haven't noticed by now that's what it's like right now. Wake up! Despite what you think nobody's out to take over the game. The devs are intelligent enough to sift through the suggestions that they feel are worth considering. They don't need your god-like wisdom to guide them. Get over it.
Jul 11, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
erm...why is this in suggestions anyway?
sounds like it should be in the general forums.
Jul 11, 2003 roguelazer link
Yay! Arolte and Celebrim are fighting! Maybe they'll both explode and we'll let the devs come up with some ideas for a change!
Jul 11, 2003 genka link
yay! fight fight fight...

/me thinks there should be a "flames" forum, you can't post new topics in it, but all flames get moved there
Jul 11, 2003 Celebrim link
Gee, propose a small solution to a small problem and suddenly you are accused of trying to derail the development cycle.

Again, its not like I proposed anything hard which is going to take alot of coding time away from the devs. As you well know, I'm well aware the CTF isn't important, which is why I don't think it should be having the influence that it is now having.

Look up the word 'rhetorical' in a dictionary some time Arolte. It's definition is relevant to the discussion. I didn't ask you questions because I thought I didn't know the answers. I asked you questions because I thought you couldn't answer them. And you didn't.

You well know that I've always been focused on balancing all the ships and all the weapons. You well know that I was originally completely opposed to even the existance of special ships and said as much even before 3.2 came out and special ships actually existed. So don't accuse me of trying to make the game one where everyone is flying the same ship and using the same weapon, because I've got reams of material on this board I can haul out in my defence.

"..if the devs have any interest in promoting ship diversity..."

If? Please. I don't think you fool anyone, Arolte. Your primary interest is in protecting your ship, your status, your way of playing. Anything that you percieve as helping you is good. Anything you percieve as hurting you is bad. That's why you flip flop on your position so often and so dramatically (Rockets are good! Rockets are bad! Boosting tapping is bad! Boost tapping is good!).
Jul 11, 2003 paedric link
[Quote RogueLazer: "A new player creates an account on vendetta and decides to help the smallest nation, red. "]

Funny that you should say that Rogue, that is the exact reason I did chose RED over BLUE or YELLO... er... GOLD. ;-)

It seemed to me at the time I was first checking out Vendetta that RED was under seriously under represented. Then of course, I get into the game and immediently start to pickup from in-game chatter that all REDs are considered pirates, rocket rammers, etc. and are to be killed on sight, no questions asked. Very discoraging to a new RED player. How would you feel joining a certain "Nation", only to find that they are considered the scum of the cosmos?

The colors are arbitrary. They are not repersentitive of anything. So to say that RED is this, or RED is that is just plain silly. Sooner say that all GOLDS are yellow (american slang for cowards) or that all BLUES are spys. All manner of pilots exist on all sides. My choice of RED as a home "Nation" was based on demographics, not reputation. Always root for the underdog is my motto. *huzzah*

People develope preconcieved ideas about color, blabber it all over chat and others start to pick up on it. Pretty soon, anything that any player of said color does just seems to reinforce that preconception. Real life is much the same.

As I see it, no one team has a monopoly on Pirates, griefers, or "rocket rammers". They are prevalent on ALL sides.

And about this so called "rocket ramming", a term that even I can see is over used as a derogatory term to put down a pilot as essentially an unskilled "noob". It was my understanding that a "rocket rammer" was one who would LITERALLY ram you and fire a rocket into your afterburner at the same time. It has become so overused that it is now used as a putdown for ALL pilots who prefer rockets/missles over energy weapons. Rockets and missles are part of the game. They are a legitimate weapon and, as such, so is they're inclusion in a given pilots tactics.

Just a newbie RED's personal viewpoint. Take it or leave it as you will.



EDIT: Pretty much reworked my whole diatribe and have (hopefully) clarified a few points.

*Yup, clear as mud*
*keeps looking for that /lurk bind*
Jul 11, 2003 Eldrad link
you're very right. Complaints about the way people are playing doesn't have anything to do with nations. Many people say "all 'insert nation name here' does this horrible thing there for I have to do it, but it's your nation's fault." Which often gets picked up by others who start associating what ever nation with the given exploit or complaint. I'd certainly appreciate it if people would stop trying to hold nations responsible for the actions of individuals. Thanks.
Jul 11, 2003 Arolte link
>You well know that I've always been focused on balancing
>all the ships and all the weapons. You well know that I
>was originally completely opposed to even the existance of
>special ships and said as much even before 3.2 came out
> and special ships actually existed. So don't accuse me of
>trying to make the game one where everyone is flying the
>same ship and using the same weapon, because I've got
>reams of material on this board I can haul out in my

Then ACT like it. You're Sharper, right? I've seen you fly in a Valkyrie 99% of the time. If you have any interest whatsoever in providing balance tips for other ships, switch your ship to various non-special ones for a couple of days. Don't just say, "ohh I'll have to test that" and fly around it for a couple of seconds. That's not how it's done. If you have no interest in helping test the balance on non-special ships, might I suggest you keep quiet about it and walk away? Maybe if you actually DO what you say I would understand, but right now I'm not buying it. You talk more than you walk, and the size of your posts prove it.

>"..if the devs have any interest in promoting ship diversity..."
>If? Please. I don't think you fool anyone, Arolte. Your
>primary interest is in protecting your ship, your status, your
>way of playing. Anything that you percieve as helping you is
>good. Anything you percieve as hurting you is bad. That's >why you flip flop on your position so often and so >dramatically (Rockets are good! Rockets are bad! Boosting
> tapping is bad! Boost tapping is good!).

Now you're on the borderline of being downright moronic. I couldn't help but notice that you used singular words. My ship? I fly more than one non-special ship (Warthog, Atlas, and Centurion to name a few), and some of them are in fact nerfed by the lower torque of the medium engine. So yes, I'd say I'm concerned about that. And FYI rocket ramming is STILL a problem. Fly around one day (when you actually decide to PLAY the game) when the Vendetta server is populated and tell me how many players you encounter with triple or double sunflares loaded on to a Valkyrie. Then come back and tell me rocket ramming isn't a problem.

And by your paranoia reasoning I could say that YOU'RE trying to stop me because YOU don't want YOUR Valkyrie to be balanced. Just as you blamed me for the same thing, YOU want YOUR uber Valkyrie to be the best ship untouched. Now... would you like to continue this childish flamewar? I can go on for as long as you'd like me to. Be my guest. Keep pointing fingers. THAT'LL make the game better.
Jul 11, 2003 roguelazer link
Hey Arolte, how come I've never seen you out of a hornet?
Jul 11, 2003 Arolte link
I trade in an Atlas and I usually fight Vultures and Valkyries in a Warthog with an advanced gatling turret and gemini missiles. When I'm cruising around or when I'm botting you'll see me in a Hornet. Anything else you'd like to know?

PS: I haven't seen you online in a long time.
Jul 11, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

I need some help arolte.

You always say things about rocketramming valks :D. I was now wondering how you could avoid a rocketramming marauder "the new playtoy from the pirates :(". They have more hitpoints and adequate agility to pull that off. even a valk has problems against it. So I was wondering what you would suggest, because my hornet is starting to get problems with them and I have been killed over and over by them and that starts to get boring :(.

I must say, I prefer the maud for trading and still havent found a niche for the prometheus, but Im sure that that will come. Maybe if they alter the prom to 3 - 4 large weapons and only 1 advanced gatling mountable on it "just to not make it to powerfull ;), but well see what the devs have up their sleeves."

But as you know,I primearilly fly a hornet , because of the double tach and double sunflare option, for the rest I dont fly anything. So you could see me as a hornetjockey :D.

Never have I flown the centurion"except for the occasional tachduel", the centaur was my preferred trader"untill the maud" but they really really should up the capacity of the mines and install the anti mine station patroll zone :D.

the vulture, it is nice but im Itani and would therefore prefer the valk. But due to the hornets build, I prefer that one.

I almost never fly the warthog or the atlas "have money enough to buy the other ships, and they dont look as good as the maud".

Naturally the rag, it is the preferred heavy bomber "bombs away :D, and it can soak a lot of missiles :D".

and on a little sidenote, I dont like heavys because I really really havent got the technique to fly them :(

Jul 11, 2003 Independence link
arolte, you need to adapt to the fact that launching rockets (you'll notice i didn't say "ram" since rocket rammers only get themselves killed) is a valid tactic. and while rocket rammers can really do a number on you, what they're doing is completely valid too. learn to adapt.

and just a little FYI: the community has NOT hit rock bottom.