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Secondary Targeting.

Jul 11, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Secondary targeting would be where you lock onto a primary target and select a secondary one if available, and launch homed weapons at both at the same time. This could be useful if you were ever able to target warheads.
Jul 11, 2003 Eldrad link
/me wants targetable missles... actually you can target them sometimes. Just not much you can do with them at that point but see distance.
Jul 11, 2003 roguelazer link
Besides, they're not destructible by anything besides collisions. It'd be cool if hostile rockets detonated missiles and other rockets. Say, you fire a seeker at me. I fire a flare at it and they both explode. Mmm...
Jul 11, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
I've been screaming for warheads you can kill since the day I signed up for an account. PLEASE MAKE WARHEADS AS TARGETABLE AS SHIPS!
Jul 11, 2003 Sage link
I don't know about targettable warheads. I wouldn't mind it, but I think it might nerf them too much. Warheads that could be destroyed with a shot would be nice though. Just not targettable. You would have to use mad skillz to shoot out a flare headed for you. It would stop rocket ramming really quick, that's for sure.
Jul 11, 2003 roguelazer link
Even if they were targettable they'd be hard to destroy. Plus, on any ship that could turn fast enough to destroy them, it'd make more sense to dodge anyhow. :)
Jul 11, 2003 Celebrim link
My insticts say Roguelazer is probably right.

I'm pretty sure that targetable warheads wouldn't change that much about the way players use or respond to the weapons, but would change how the NPC's work because targetable warheads is all about reflexes. I don't think that any human could snap around and shoot a warhead fast enough to keep it from getting in range, and I don't think anyone could turn around and shoot down rockets incoming from a surprise volley from the rear. Moreover, I think anyone that tried would be committing suicide by killing thier speed while rockets are inbound.

However, a AI could always instantly and infallibly switch targets and shoot down an incoming warhead fired at its front. A human player, even a skilled one, would have a hard time switching targets, shooting down the target, and switching back again without leaving themselves vulnerable to whoever fired the rocket in the first place.

I'm willing to try it to see how it playtests but I don't really care one way or the other.
Jul 11, 2003 Eldrad link
roguelazer the whole point of targetting them would be to protect slower ships. I often find myself considering ramming incoming nukes... and if I could shoot them so I take hvy damage but can just barely pull through alive that'd be great.