Forums » Suggestions

Squadron functonality

Jul 16, 2003 thecorinthian2 link
1) Allow for a new chat channel for a 'squadron.' Players can /squadinvite friendname, and that causes a little indicator (like a triangle above the ship) to show squadronmates who's who.

Not only can you see your friends this way and keep track of them, but you can communicate solely to the squadronmates.

2) Expand the hardware that can be bought, to include Electronic Countermeasures of varying degrees... there would be two factors involved here, Radius and Effectiveness. Effectiveness sets how well you and your squadmates are 'cloaked' from enemy radar. Radius is how "big" the radius of undetectability is. Radius and Effectiveness ought to be somewhat mutually exclusive--you can have a 200m radius but only 500m of undetectability, or 1000m of undetectability with a 50m radius. This would allow for small squads (2 or 3 ships) to traverse a great distance sneakily.

3) Sidenote: I've found that weapons are a bit powerful. Either the devs need to bump ship hitpoints by about 50%, or lessen weapon damage a few points. I see a LOT of one and two-shot kills. Perhaps the solution would be to slightly reduce each additional weapon's damage by a percentage.
Jul 16, 2003 roguelazer link
I agree with... everything you said. I've been asking for hp to go up a lot since before 3.2, and everything else is good. Very good post.
Jul 16, 2003 Eldrad link
1 or 2 shot kills *blink?*
Jul 16, 2003 roguelazer link
Quad-rockets are 1 shot kills... In some cases...
Jul 16, 2003 Sage link
2 or 3 hits with a dual-Gauss lays a hurtin' on a lot of fighters.

Sunflares also kill pretty quickly.

And yes, I have been asking for this for a while. This is really what I want more than anything else in the game right now.
Jul 16, 2003 Phaserlight link
/me reminds everyone that if hp were to be bumped up then the frigate would have over a million hp.

We are flying around in *fighter* class ships everyone. How many shots does it take to kill a fighter?

When we have the option of buying larger freighters and corvettes then we'll see where things are at.
Jul 16, 2003 Sage link
Like I said, it is what I want more than anything else in the game right now.
A while ago I actually put up a thread requesting squadrons, but I also wanted to add a function to divide profits evenly between all members of the squad. It would be even better if we could set a percentage for each member to get, but that could become very hard (unreasonably so) to implement with the current text based interface to do any configurration. If we had a squadron interface (something like the station one) it would show all members of your squad their percentage of profits and what equipment they are using.
Jul 16, 2003 thecorinthian2 link
eh you have a point there, about these only being fighters... perhaps the lower tier need to be slightly bumped.

just because they're fighters doesnt mean they have to be as weak as TIE fighters were. :p

anyway, back on topic... what do you guys think about my squadron ideas? :)