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Plasmic Radiation Stress

Jul 16, 2003 Urza link
The name is bullshi* ok. Straight up bullshi*. But i had to call it something, and "stress" wouldn't do.

What is:

When a gun is on board a ship, it is kept constantly charged to allow firing as soon as possible. Rocket fule also has a rather nasty charge in it. However, the result of this charge is plasmic radiation, which if too much of is around, the ship's battery would overload and all that bad stuff like that would happen, so BOOM.

After the governments learned of this (lotta star cruisers were lost...) they went to work creating a counter, however, nothing they tried prevented plasmic radiation from overloading the battery if too much of it was around. SO they researched all the weapons anr learned how much plasmic radiation they emited. Then they programmed the ship computer chips (G1245s, of course) to close weapons ports if the weapons loaded onboard would emit a dangerusly high level of radiation.

OK. That's a BS story to explain what i'm about to say.

Each ship has a certain number of points. (plasmic radiation leakage points, AKA how much each ship can take)

Each weapon has a certain point value. (plasmic radiation emitage)

IF the point value of the weapons on your ship is greater than the ship's PR point value, the ship's computer refuses to let it go anywhere.

There you have it. a resonable method of preventing quad rocket rammers and quad gausses, ect.
Jul 16, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Or, every weapon creates a certain amount of heat, once the heat becomes to high all non essential systems shut down.
This includes hud, weapons, movement, but NOT the water dispenser and light for the happy drinking bird.
And, maybe, the ship would have the armor plates pop off temporarily to decrease cool down time.

Off topic,

Now introducing the powermac G1245, and it's smaller cousin, the PowerBook G1245! The first personal desktop, and laptop computers to have 15438 bit processing power! and 1.992 terabytes of ddr 9960 ram!
Jul 16, 2003 Phaserlight link
OR you could further differentiate s-ports into "missile ports" and "cannon ports."

Imho, I think things should be left the way they are when it comes to weapon selection. The more available variety, the better. Just wait until they balance the weapons, it's coming soon.
Jul 17, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
What i don't want are 20 useless (s) port weapons that are marginally good if you group them...
Jul 17, 2003 Sage link
Points to assign the weapons. I like the idea, but I also recognize that it will take a long time to impliment and even longer to balance. And there will be a lot of bitching in between. But I cannot think of any other method (aside from a third heat bar) that would solve the problems.