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Charachter portraits

Jul 22, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Id have my little panda!
ph33r the panda!
Jul 21, 2003 genka link
I'd love to see character portraits in vendetta, it would certainly add to the role playing aspect of it all...

edit: Could someone shoot me for my spelling?
Jul 21, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
*ka chink*

Heh, portraits would be nice, target someone and it would display there portrait somewhere.

Mine of course would be a lemming, maybe with a machine gun, maybe with tnt, maybe it'll just be a picture of a Asgard Mothership!

Jul 22, 2003 genka link
Jul 22, 2003 electric27 link
It would be sweet if they were really customizable. I would like to go so far as to say "we should be able to make our own" if it weren't for two problems:
(1) People are stupid.
(2) People are bad artists.
By point one I mean it would only be a matter of time before there are nothing but penises flying around space. Throw in point two and you have badly drawn penises flying through space. We could get a Baulder's Gate style portrait selection, but then we wouldn't be able to show our character's true... errm... character. I doubt there would be a panda or (in my case) a big, hairy dude with tatoos and a ripped denim vest holding a can of beer. Yep, big, AND hairy. So when you see me in game, think: Big. Hairy. Beer.
Jul 22, 2003 Urza link
mods could ban the penis ships. and people can send in pics to get people banned
Jul 22, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Let see the likely hood of insultive portraits when the game gets released tot he public (for money)

$50 dollars for the game.
The time it takes to install and make the portrait.
Then WHAM you get banned.
And if the person gets really pissy, they would try to sue, lose, then lose more money.
Jul 22, 2003 genka link
Or, every portrait would have to go through a screening prosses with a real live person (free with every order of pie™!), and that person could take all the penises and send them back.

As for point 2, we could have crazy people fly around and make fun of everyone with a badly drawn portrait. Yup. That would work.

Side note: You can have your own portraits in bauldurs gate, but it's just more trouble than it's worth (you have to have two pics, both the correct size[one smaller, one bigger] in this one special folder hidden deep within the game folder)
Jul 23, 2003 Rabid Panda link
See: <i>Eve Online</i>

Sorry, but I think it's a pretty good example, then again...

See: <i>Morrowind</i>
Jul 23, 2003 paedric link
RE: Rabid Panda's post

I'm having trouble understanding how Morrowind fits into this conversation. While it is fairly easy to modify the ingame Morrowind character's apperance, this only affects your game. Morrowind is a single player game only. It has zero multiplayer capability.

Maybe if you provided a couple of URLs to illustrate the point you are trying to make? :-/
Jul 23, 2003 genka link
I went to the eve online website, but all they had there were artsy screenshots, not sure what you mean :\

/me will never let this thread die, because he wants character portraits. (See! I can spell!)
Jul 25, 2003 genka link
/me hugs his suggestion.
It's mine, I like it; It's nifty.
Jul 25, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Paedric> Apparently you haven't played Morrowind and know that you can make your own characters in Maya (shipped with the game). Also the point of Morrowind is to be a one player game but feel like a multiplayer game.

Genka> Eve Online allows you to do some crazy stuff with the character portraits, it's not a twitch based game like you are most likely used it, it's geared more towards RPG, so character portraits are very important. Also those "artsy screenshots" are the actual game, they can do this because unlike Vendetta, it's not twitch based and more stat based so they don't have to make it be very performance efficient (See Final Fantasy). If you really looked around you would have seen some of the character portraits.
Jul 25, 2003 Pyro link
Wait, Maya ships with Morrowind? Ummm... Is it a toned down version? The full version of Maya is about $2000...
Jul 25, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Yah it is toned down, to a sense, you can make animations still, I don't have a retail Maya, so I don't know how much of a difference there is.
Jul 28, 2003 spectre_c_me link
i like this portrait thing a lot. as long as i can have a nice drawing of a ghost, ex: Twisted Metal: Small Brawl, im cool with it. now i gotta find a pic for my invisible one and visible one. hmmmmm.... lets see a neked girl is good for the visible one j/k invisibile one- a sign saying invisible on it..... im fine as long as i can have those, lol

seriously the pic idea is good, im in full support of it