Forums » Suggestions

Another mining idea, this 1 possible.

Aug 03, 2003 Urza link
I've been here a while and seen plenty of mining ideas. Due to limitations of the system, most are impossible. But this 1 is.

Get some AI, give it the texture of a roid (metalic, icy, radioactive, ect) Then tell it to possibly drop cargo depending on it's texture. Tell it to spawn, pick a random speed, then go flying. If it gets too far out, it turns around and heads back to teh center untill it bounces off something. then it goes in the direction it bounces to.

Make it only damagable by a certain type of weapon, and make hte cargo they contain valuable enough to be mined.

Prohaps the weapon should be short ranged as well.

And radioactive mines should constantly damage you if you fly in close or pick it up, unless you decide to buy some armor against this.
Aug 04, 2003 slappyknappy link
Interesting idea... bots that look like 'riods...

I like :-)