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A thought on this "Sunflare Rocket Rammer Issue"...

Aug 04, 2003 BusMasteR link
My brain have been near tempatures you won't imagine over this. I'm not talking out from the fact that i *really* can't fight real players with nothing else than flares. But i'm talking from the view of a balanced weaponry.
Now, if you take the most discussed flare rocket and guass cannon. They are perfect equals to eachother: The flare is really easy to dodge on distance, and gives damage to all when fired too close. The Guass have a deadly aim, and a high damage - and doesn't deliver backstappin splash damage.
What i think needs to be tweaked as a counter action to this "Rocketrammer issue", is *not* a "perfeftly" fine balanced weapon. It's a weapon that makes the shooter able to hit the "rammer" before he can get to do a ram. For an example we have the Railgun, it's great but needs a boost in damage - maybe something near the flare and a slightly lower energy consume.
I think that it might be better to try balancing one of the other weapons to counter for this "ramming problem" than the rockets - not the Guass Cannon though.

In my own experience, i got big problems in a flare-vulture(me)/guass-vulture(opp) fight. If my opponent knows how to dodge flares, or how to make a good shot into a ram - then i can see why many ends up doing it on perpose - we can't freakin hit you ;) Well - not always i know...
I really try to learn how to use them with out ramming - i hate splash. It kills me 70% of all my (un)fortunatly rammings. I just hope people will (as i myself often have forgotten) remember that...
3.3 is coming soon... something new to play with - until then, lets enjoy what we have for now, which we all know kicks ***.

What am i doing... I'm tired...

/me wanders of to bed ;)
Aug 04, 2003 Forum Moderator link
[moved to Suggestions, though we already have a thread going]
Aug 06, 2003 BusMasteR link
Sorry - didn't notice =\