Forums » Suggestions

Remote Mines

Aug 15, 2003 Urza link
I wanna have mines that i can set off with the touch of a butten. No prox range, just a little red butten. THis would be great for defence and offence and everythnig. Station mining would be harder (the miner has to be outside to detinate them).

This things should have a very healthy blast radius and dmg.
Aug 15, 2003 Spellcast link
interesting idea.. a few questions tho.. how close to the mines do you have to be to set them off?(Line of sight, within 1000m? etc) can you link them in different chains?, (eg can you have two groups of mines, group 1 detonates with the RED button, group 2 detonates with the PURPLE TIGER STRIPED button)

the only real problem i see is setting up a trigger for detonating them. the firing group they are linked too launches them, does the second press of the button drop another mine, or detonate the first one? to add a specific, seperate button to detonate mines requires a whole new code block. maybe a "weapon" module that takes up a small slot to use as the detonator, you need to buy 2 "weapons" to use remote mines, 1 large slot to hold the mines and a small one to detonate them.. hmm ideas ideas.)
Aug 15, 2003 Urza link
Mine launcher = large slot
Detionator = small
Aug 15, 2003 lunitary link
i love it.
but some more problems i can think of:
do the mines survive after you exit the sectoer?
if they do, for how long can they survive? it cant be for ever..

it's a bit more codding then you might think (correct me if i'm wrong, i am not a programer or something...i'm a student who studies programing). how will the mine know who activated the detodation signal? there might be several people using it in the same distance. what if, let's say all the mins are fairly close (not in detodaion dist) so that one player is in dist from all of them, how do they know not to detonate? it creats a connection between the player and the mine. when you plant 10, 20, 50 it get's very heavy on the system (i think).
and creating a group of mines makes it so the mines are connected, does it make any problems on the server? please correct me....
and arolte: how meny mistakes did i make? :)

Aug 15, 2003 Usafunrunner link
I think somone has been playing too much 007 on N64. (great weapon by the way) Just think of filling an entire sector and blowing it all up on independence day woo hoo.
Aug 16, 2003 Urza link
i was thinking something along those lines...
Aug 16, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Usafunrunner, and if you didn't detonate them the enemy could pick them up!