Forums » Suggestions


Aug 22, 2003 toshiro link
i am pretty sure this has been mentioned, but i have been unable to find it on the boards (where is the 'search' feature?).
is there no possibility spammers (people who repeat their lines in chat over and over and over and over again, to make it clear) can be automatically kicked or something?
i remember chatting on a certain chat server (some comic book editor's, and it was not irc) where you'd get kicked by a bot for spamming. couldn't you please. please do this for the engine test's chat channel too?
because testing (and playing) becomes impossible when you cannot communicate, dock and jump. also, it annoys me to no end, to put it mildly.

today i even logged off because i am not willing to wait 15 or more minutes in front of the station dialogue screen until the clearly intellectually underdeveloped user has satisfied her or his need for pissing off others and decides to leave. if something isn't done against this, it might (and probably will) be a major drawback in the actual game.

hmm, i love the spellchecking program. helps avoiding errors, yessirree.
Aug 22, 2003 Urza link
I do believe something is in the works for this already
Aug 22, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
It had BETTER be.

Aug 23, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
me thinks so to,

it was kinda annoying yesterday :(

Aug 24, 2003 Nighty link
hell, last week my client actualy froze due to some spammer. His nick was some number (didn't write it down) and his message was also a long number, repeated it don't know how many times, and that's when my client froze.

Looking at the online player list, I noticed I wasn't the only one. Over half of the people logged in were suddenly offline.