Forums » Suggestions


Sep 17, 2003 Sage link
It would be easy if, when "mouselook" was turned off we could use the mouse to look and the arrow keys to turn. I usually fly in physics mode so quick checks are pretty easy for me. Just turn and adjust you acceleration based on where you are looking.
Sep 17, 2003 toshiro link
i suppose this has already been suggested, but if so, i don't know when and haven't seen the post.
now for the content:
what about adding the possibility of glancing quickly to your left, right, rear, above and below? the external camera moves just too slow to allow for a quick check. it could be put on the fkeys not in use by default, but linkable to whatever key you'd like, for lighting-fast accessibility ;)
also, VUDs would be nice, at least one, to have it display either your view of choice (rearview mirror of some kind) or (later on, hopefully) additional info on gizmos and outfits (think: comanche 3 by novalogic)
Sep 17, 2003 electric27 link
You can do it while using mouselook and turboing at the same time, because while you turbo, your direction is fixed, but you can still look around.
Sep 18, 2003 toshiro link
yes, but the rearview mirror... on the other hand, i realize that that vdu (got the acronym wrong in the above post) would be too small to be able to show anything significant.
too bad
Sep 20, 2003 Demonen link
I want a button that frees up the viewing like boosting does, just without the boost. Easy as that.
Sep 20, 2003 Sage link
Hold brake, s, and boost at the same time.
Sep 21, 2003 Demonen link
Turning your head in a cocpit would not cause the ship to change direction, loose power or speed up.