Forums » Suggestions


Oct 02, 2003 DeadOnArrival link
i'd like it if there were a few more bots in sector4 and other sectors also id like it if the bounty of the bots went up to about1000-2000 money either in sector 4 or the bounty goes up (from sector to sector) as you get closer to the red or golds base...
Oct 02, 2003 Magus link
Be grateful. When I started there were no defense bots so vets would routinely come in and kill us. And the bots didn't drop cargo so we litterally had to get by on the 75 bounties. You're not supposed to make your money on botting. You're supposed to make money trading. Buy goods in one sector, go to another and sell them for profit.
Oct 02, 2003 genka link
/me liked the no-def-bots times
I could, and have, capped in a bus, no problems.

I was never a stay-in-home n00b, I was a "bug Icarus in s14, then crash first atlas bought with cargo I managed to whisk away from under Icarus's nose into rock."

Of-course that was a while after I first started playing, which was when there were three ships, and blue ions. I just didn't play that much before that one update. The one with uhh... the new sectors. (like... 11, and 12.. and stuff...).

Yup... those were the times...
Oct 02, 2003 Pyro link
Hehehe... Magus, that sounds like a "back in MY day" post... :P
Oct 02, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Back in MY day we didn't have a TWO nation owned sectors! we had one and we enjoyed that one, we were GRATEFUL to have one! We didn't have those fancy little defense bots in that sector either! We had turrets! They didn't do fancy things like move!
Sorry, had to.
We need patrol ships in sector 5, 13, 7, 8, 12, 11, they just warp in from sector 4, 12, or 6, and defend any golds, red, or blues that are under attack, if no one is under attack they hang around for a minute or so and go back to s4\12\6, this will be only 1 or 2 ships, not a massive armada. Of course if the red\blue\gold that needs help and has been doing stupid stuff like nukeing stations it wouldn't get help, and if it continued to do stupid stuff the ship would likely help the people going up against the stupid stuff person.
Oct 03, 2003 The Kid link
When I joined, just 1 home sector, no bots in there too (no defense ships, just turrets). vets could easily come around and kill you with 2-shot kill rockets in sector 4/5/6. and running to your home sector didn't necessarily help.
Oct 03, 2003 roguelazer link
Back in my day you were either a heavy pilot, a medium pilot or a light pilot! None of this "changing ships nonstop" thing. Pick a ship and LIVE WITH IT!
Oct 03, 2003 Urza link
back in my day, there was NO cargo limit on ships.
Oct 03, 2003 Forum Moderator link

discussion has wandered far afield from the topic.