Forums » Suggestions

Glow! Glow!

Oct 10, 2003 genka link
I vote for more light, and glowy bits!
I don't know about other people, but when I fly around with without my HuD, it's very hard to see other people. Now if every ship had a few glowing bit's they'd look way cooler. And I'd be able to see them.

Aye. Tis a trifle hard to be flying with me HuD off, if I can't see anyone.
Oct 10, 2003 Arolte link
Aye. It's hard to see other ships with backgrounds on. I made a request before 3.2 to include strobe lights on the ship. It was declined. I still think it would be cool to have the strobe lights on the ship. Technically we're not flying around in military ships either, are we? They're just modified in a way to be lethal. And you'd think they'd have spaceship regulations that would require all civilian ships to have strobe lights on 'em to prevent accidents. Even today's military fighters IRL have strobe lights on 'em. Although I'd imagine the pilot can turn 'em on/off.
Oct 13, 2003 Rabid Panda link
I think it's that the game is so ungodly bright so the ships don't need any sort of navigational lights. I also would be lead to believe that the section of the Universe that Vendetta takes place in is VERY FREAKING HOT, due to the proximity of the stars. I would like to see Vendetta be a bit darker and less adjustment to the gamma so that people don't have built-in night-vision all the time.
Oct 13, 2003 Arolte link
My other suggestion was to change the background textures and make them simpler. Right now it's difficult to spot ships from afar with backgrounds on. Even more so with the space debris turned on!

With backgrounds off at least you can pick out a faint glimmer for bots and players. You also get quite an FPS boost too. But I still think implementing strobe lights on ships would be cool.
Oct 13, 2003 Forum Moderator link
You should try playing with gatten, for those who have a video card that can use it.

/set gatten 100

will change just about anything into a huge unsightly beacon in the night. You can crank it back down into the .05 or lower range for a more normal appearance. Check it out.
Oct 13, 2003 Arolte link
Gatten didn't work for my nVidia GeForce FX Go5200. Neither did rglow. I thought the FX series of nVidia cards were supposed to support it. Is it because I'm on a Mac and OpenGL doesn't have all those shader effects yet? Aside from not doing anything at all, leaving those shaders on makes the game run horribly slow too. Although I think this is a known issue.

Still... I think it would be unfair to provide that sort of advantage to those with better hardware. In terms of making gameplay equal and easier on the eyes, something more needs to be done besides gamma tweaking and bonus graphical features.
Oct 13, 2003 roguelazer link
I don't think the FX Go 5200 has pixel and vertex shaders in OpenGL. NVIDIA was too lazy/heat concious.
Oct 13, 2003 Arolte link
Those bastards!! Oh well. Graphics still look better than my iBook. No more 16-bit grainy crap. Woohoo!
Oct 13, 2003 Magus link
/Me is stuck with this iBook until he graduates in 3 years. 16 bit grainy crap for a long time to come.
Oct 14, 2003 SirCamps link
The mac has several OpenGL errors that makes Vendetta unplayable. Ray said he hopes to fix it sometime, when ATI and Apple get back to him or something....
Oct 14, 2003 electric27 link
"The mac has several OpenGL errors that makes Vendetta unplayable. Ray said he hopes to fix it sometime, when ATI and Apple get back to him or something...."
Sweet Jesus I can relate to that. (if anyone {yeah right} has been wondering where I am, it's just that these errors are killing me. Next bug fix and I'm in!)