Forums » Suggestions

Instead of Punishment, removed features...

Oct 12, 2003 CeaddaCompy link
How about a new Class of Ship/NPC
Call it something like, Avenger...
Should be a Large ship, size of several centaurs, loaded with weapons and possibly nearly indestructable. Definately faster than any of the current ships.

Purpose, multiple.
One. The server detects massive amounts of tri/insta nuking going on in one sector.. from 1 or 2 players doing it over and over again.
Result. Sever sends in the Avenger, heavily loaded with mines, gatling, missles, nukes, and blows the heck out of them, several times if needed, so that the money/fun of the tri/insta nuking runs out quickly. Note, it might also decide to hunt down players who flee to other sectors, tracking their position and appearing shortly after they warp, close by, to attack.

Scenario 2: Some rogue ship suddenly decides its fun to sit, picking only on the noobs, and busses, and anynthing else much weaker and unarmed, just trying to transport some cargo and get a little bit of money.

Avenger goes in, fires a few warnings, and breaks off only if they start to leave the noobs alone. If they continue attacking the weakest players possible, and have a high score/bounty themselves, it comes back to kill them off as needed.

This would just be a couple of uses for it. I don't feel it would be a good idea to allow players to drive/rent the ship for defense, just, let the server have something that it can send out to enforce certain, fair-play rules, without having to remove features from the game.

Oct 12, 2003 fenix link
not gonna happen....
Oct 12, 2003 SirCamps link
Capt'n Hector!!!! Die you shareware-pirating fiend!
Oct 12, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
I love the smell of plasma in the morning.

The avenger shouldn't be so über, it should be a small strike ship, designed to get in, kill something 1-3 times, and get out. If the person persists the server could decide to send in a higher class ship, a ship designed to stay there for about 10-20 kills, then retreat. It should also use an unreletning ai, take no chances.
Oct 13, 2003 Magus link
I'd rather just have a squadron of furies. Row upon row of them with dev engines, Infinite batts, frig weapons and 0 bounty. But I am also against Bots defending traders. That's what teammates are for. Bots killing exploiters though is fine by me.

Oh, and the name Avenger is already taken. That's going to be the new Neutral special cap ship. As layed out in my "Special Capital Ships" thread.
Oct 13, 2003 ziffus link
I like this idea, in part. Change the beat.

How about setting up an AI bounty hunter, which someone can hire?

Limit the amount of times you can use it per day / hour, its spawn time, the amount of kills, yadda yadda yadda. I'm sure everyone is asking "If a new player has 0 money since some pud decides to attack them 24/7, how can he afford it?" Well - I can't think of everything.