Forums » Suggestions


Nov 14, 2003 Daon Rendiv link
ok on /explode have it take 5secs to detonate during which you flash red(like a warning light) the faster the flashing the closer to explosion. Have /explode deal 1.5x the normal explosion damage as it is the intentional use of your ship as a nuke.

For kill recording why not use the Freespace system. Most damage and at least 20% is the kill, others who deal at least 15% are assists. If a player is hit by enough ppl so no one gets above 15% percent no one even gets an assist. If someone /explodes then they are counted as dealing their remaing hp as damage to themselves (thus if you'er at 16% and /explode the enemy still gets the kill).

The % tracking is reset when you repair or log off.
Nov 15, 2003 spectre_c_me link
this may sound stupid but if a person is shot while trying to /explode, with your reactor overload suggestion, they should take more damage, even explode from the reactor being overloaded with so much power.

basically if someone shoots a soda can that is unopened it explodes correct? so if you shoot a ship that is overloading will it explode from the 1 hit, no matter what kind of weapon it is?

Nov 15, 2003 Urza link
I suggest this:
5 second countdown with a big red number in the center of your HUD as the countdown timer, and every time the number changes, the hud flashes.

And if you get hit while /exploding your ship goods boom, as Spectre suggested
Nov 13, 2003 Kuvagh link
FurBall: Well, I can see why you'd like ship explosions to be more devastating, but that'd really open up the door for annoying kamikaze stuff. Also, it'd wreck a lot of cool close-in energy dogfights that a lot of people enjoy.

Nov 14, 2003 toshiro link
thanks for the "a lot", Asp =)
Nov 10, 2003 Magus link
Spamming homers and l-mining a station does not make one leathal, it only makes them pains in the buttocks. Thus, if we were to institute your idea, it would inflate the stats of people who engage in such activities. Besides which, Vendetta is a game that is trying to focus on teamwork. Meaning it does not matter who inflicted the most damage so long as your objectives are met. Remember, fighting is not supposed to be something you do for fun. It is supposed to be something you do in order to acheive a goal (stealing or protecting cargo, capping a flag, protecting people or sectors, etc.) Thus, your suggestion, by placing an emphasis on kills and stats, will also make the game take a step back towards being Spacequake and less of a unique space based MMORPG. You can decide who the most lethal player is based on reputation.
Nov 10, 2003 Arolte link
Well you see, not every action in Vendetta will be "for the good of the nation." As an MMORPG, people will opt to freelance and take jobs for their own personal interests (i.e. mercenaries). Although Vendetta seems to be headed towards an emphasis on team oriented missions, you're forgetting that there are those who prefer to work alone. With that in mind it would be cool to have statistics that actually reflect the true skill of certain individuals, so you'll have something to compare when you confront your enemy. Duellers will especially benefit from this.

In addition to that, who's to say that such information can't be used strategically when you're the one assigning who engages who in a team-based battle? As a leader you'd want to efficiently distribute the best of your players to the toughest opponents on the enemy fleet. When thousands of players will be online at once, you won't have the time to know each individual's reputation. Instead you'll probably want to pull up some background statistics on each enemy pilot to assess the potential threat. So I guess you could argue that such statistics could also be used to help distribute your forces as a leader.
Nov 11, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
If you're my leader, you had better be on frequently that you know your enemy and your men, so that you don't need stat points.

other than that, a sort delay timer for /explode is good, you could also make it so that it takes longer the more damage you have, like your battery takes longer to produce the required juice to set it off, or something, dunno
Nov 11, 2003 Arolte link
Humpy, it doesn't matter how long you'll be on. As an MMORPG it could have up to THOUSANDS of people on at any one moment. Just imagine that for a second. THOUSANDS!! You won't get to know everyone like you do today. It's just not humanly possible. On the other hand what IS possible is the ability to have a database of stats for all these people, which many games successfully do today.
Nov 12, 2003 spectre_c_me link
well this is an interesting thread

yes the /explode command needs a delay, but no its not sure if the players will keep it up during the rest of the game test. the fact is that people are messing around during this period, exploiting doing whatever they feel like cause they dont really have anything to lose.

if people keep it up after the reset and update then the /explode timing should be delayed, but as it is that most people are just trying to have fun it doesnt matter what a person may or may not do.

heck last night i got on just to kill random people: dint work in the end but it did come out with some good affects

/me remembers killing Skrail many a time


im in school right now so i really havent read all of this post, i will later on when im home or during lunch maybe... sorry for not reading it all
Nov 08, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Can you please remove or add a 10 second delay to /explode? Too many people are /exploding to deny BountyBot bounties.
Nov 08, 2003 toshiro link
and to escape a fair fight...
Nov 08, 2003 Skyfox link
I think a 5 second delay would be better. Currently for 10 seconds one can escape completely safe with their lives by exiting the game.

After all, all the sci-fi movies have some kind of self-destruct countdown. I think 5 seconds would be perfict.
Nov 08, 2003 Arolte link
Yeah, I hate this also. Too many people abuse it and take the fun out of combat. Even though they lose 15 score points, I still feel like I've wasted my time and money killing someone who really doesn't care much about the gameplay or whatever. Some players also create decoy characters for this specific purpose.
Nov 09, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
give it a 5 second delay and a neat glowy effect as if the battery was overloading, and have the ship do damage akin to an avalon, albeit with thw splah range of the gemini
Nov 09, 2003 CrazySpence link
yea exploders piss me off espeically when they get in a bus and just start ram exploding people
Nov 10, 2003 toshiro link
i think it is not. ymmv
the delay would also be nice if you happen to have bound the command to a key and press it unwantingly. yes, i have that. i use it to escape typekillers and similar lamerz. if you see that as being hypocritical (in regard of my post in this thread prior to this one), contact me in-game and i shall provide you with an argumentation as to why i don't think it is.
Nov 10, 2003 Kuvagh link
Using /explode when losing a dogfight is one of the single most unsportsmanlike things someone could do in this game. It doesn't even preserve the exploders stats -- it only robs the opponent of a recorded victory. It's absolutely despicable -- particularly when the exploder is the one who started the fight.

One possible way to solve the problem might be to reward the last person who scored a hit on the /exploder with a PK. On the other hand, /explode may well be a beta tester's command that will not be in the final game... so if the programming for this is complicated it wouldn't be worth the dev's time to write up.

Nov 10, 2003 Arolte link
Well... you may get stuck or spaced out anytime in the game (beta or final) and /explode will have its practical purposes then. I think the first step to solving this problem is to make /explode unbindable. Remove the ability to bind the key so it's less convenient for these cowards. Then I think you can get more complicated and have the last shot rule or whatever in.

Also, have the devs considered making an accuracy or damage infliction stat for players? There are a lot of skilled players out there who get very little credit for their kills due to scavengers getting the last shot in. I think it would be interesting to see who truly lands the most shots on to their target, while people with high PKs and very little damage infliction will stick out as the skilless scavengers.

Hehe... that'll show 'em!
Nov 10, 2003 furball link
I do not like either the idea of not being able to bind /explode NOR do I like the idea of a timer. Also, I THINK that ship explosions should be causing MORE damage. If you had to be careful to not be too close to a ship when it exploded, then (rocket/gauss/whatever other term you wish to use) ramming would be solved VERY easily since you'd get caught NOT in the splash of the rockets BUT in the splash of the ship explosion. I think that the damage of the ship explosion should be the HP of the ship. IE Prom does 18K damage, etc.