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Convert Latos M-7 Station Into a Normal One

Feb 10, 2016 TheRedSpy link
With regular Trident docks and move much closer to the warp in spot. You can keep the fog in there, but the imperative of having it 30km out is no longer relevant in the game and mostly serves to piss everybody off to no end.
Feb 10, 2016 Tripod war of the worlds link
It is meant to be put there so players will take time to make a beacon and cautiously fly your xc through grey, building a capship is supposed to be hard rar.
Feb 10, 2016 meridian link
The station itself is only 6 or 7km away from the astroid belt. It's just the docking bays that are 30km out. It should be pretty easy to simply rotate the station around to make the docking bays closer.
Feb 10, 2016 CrazySpence link
Counter suggestion!

prox mine npcs

Have them drop prox mines in random spots throughout M7 on the way to the station!

I had to log in and out for almost an hour straight to manufacture my dent you kids today have it too easy!
Feb 10, 2016 bojansplash link
-1 Nope, everyone must suffer and undergo the same sadistic procedure Raging John imposed on us.
Feb 10, 2016 Death Fluffy link
He held a gun to my head!
Feb 10, 2016 abortretryfail link
+1 to NPC mine fields.
Feb 10, 2016 Jaks link
-1 Nope, everyone must suffer and undergo the same sadistic procedure Raging John imposed on us.

Thats fine, but there should be a dock for dents already built that is closer to the roid belt. Either that, or add a capital dock to N2.
Feb 10, 2016 TheRedSpy link
You whiners had it easy, all of you. The first 6-7 builders had to log in and out over 100 times to trigger the mission to take items in m7, now it just takes them automatically.

The latos dock is key for outfitting of tridents but it takes ages to dock there. It needs an access dock for that, the old massive station model is not necessary and the 30k distance was always excessive.
Feb 10, 2016 incarnate link
The 30k distance was always just a side effect of the scale of the station, which was basically an experiment (as were.. capships in general, at that time).

I don't have any problem with swapping out the old station for a more "traditional" station scale. Or possibly just trying rotate it if people are nostalgic about the current station.
Feb 10, 2016 Savet link
Leave the current station, just rotate it. The unique station architecture could make for some really interesting events.
Feb 10, 2016 csgno1 link
I think it's fine as it is. There are two other capship docks within a two-system journey.
Feb 10, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
Just ditch the fog ;)
Feb 11, 2016 TheRedSpy link
Please incarnate don't punish us with a 30k journey to bring supplies to eqiup dents. It's such a chore especially given the time it actually takes to get there in a trident.

Rotate the station so its closer to 5k out of the jump in point.
Feb 11, 2016 VikingRanger link
+1 to rotating it, I almost shot myself after hauling 30 FCP there one fine afternoon
Feb 11, 2016 TheRedSpy link
1+ to not contributing to VikingRanger's suicide.
Feb 11, 2016 Death Fluffy link
TRS, you are aware that there are 4 stations spread throughout the universe that this can be done in now right?

I'm happy with the station as it is. It was one of the things that impressed me about it. Rotating the station means that people will no longer experience its magnificence. Besides, it's not like I actually sit and watch while my ship travels there or anywhere else in game. I have better things to do so I always tab out of game for any travel over 3k
Feb 11, 2016 Hoban-Wash-Washburne link
4 Whole stations? Wow! 3 of which are DEEP inside nation space so unless you are neutral with all 3 only 1 or 2 of them are actually available to dent pilots. With the current 70% mobile player base (INC made this statement but can't find the thread) a 30k distance trip in a dent or XC burns battery and personal time limiting how much it will be used by mobile. There is already enough of this game that is like having a second fucking job (building the dent itself) that if we keep holding on to these old ways and logic players are not going to want to stay. Drudgery is not fun & 30k travel for a station is fucking drudgery.
Feb 11, 2016 Death Fluffy link
hence why I spend more time on the forums than in game. I can agree with mobile needs being a reason to change the station.
Feb 11, 2016 TheRedSpy link
Death fluffy is wrong.

Latos M7 is the only place you can outfit a new trident because its the only place you can make them. If we change it to them being replaceable everywhere thats a different story but currently if you want to stockpile resources or ships to load into your trident when you rebuild it you have to do endless 30k hauls.

It wasnt even intentional for this additional grind to be in the game we should remove it.