Forums » Suggestions

New Scandinavia

Dec 07, 2003 electric27 link
Ku, your description of 13 is the funniest thing I've seen all day, and I watched the Cowboys-Eagles game. ( :P @ Cowboys)
Dec 07, 2003 ctishman link
Oh, and the Itani get "Hobbiton" and "Bagginses"?
Dec 07, 2003 Phoenix_I link
Hey, I discovered the station in 10 before anyone else. So therefore, I should get to name it. I dub thee oh station of sector 10. Phoenix's Alcove.
Dec 06, 2003 Celkan link
I think given the game story those names would be more appropriate to the Serko.
Dec 06, 2003 Phaserlight link
I vote sector 4 station is renamed "Barad-Dur" and the blue defbots named "Nazgul"
Dec 06, 2003 Magus link
Would that mean we start calling Firemage The Dark Lord?
Dec 04, 2003 a1k0n link
Celebrim: Heh. Doesn't mean your suggestions aren't good. Your suggestions are so well-thought-out, it takes hours of pondering to infuse the full flavor before anyone truly understands them.

Also, I was simply being facetious in my original post. But sector 10 should still play Led Zeppelin's 'Immigrant Song'.
Dec 04, 2003 ctishman link
Heh, I made a few sector names up myself in my Map.

click "path of the explorer" then on the valk's canopy to launch the map program. You can also read my little blurbs on all the systems.
Dec 02, 2003 LordViking link
I think that the station in Sector 10 should be renamed to New Scandinavia. I dont have a really good reason for why...but it'd be cool...and Sec10 Station doesnt have a name.

If possible could the crack into the roid be made larger slightly to accomodate Ragnoraks more easily, Ragnoraks would work well in New Scandinavia...
Dec 02, 2003 a1k0n link
This is, by far, the best suggestion I've seen yet.
Dec 02, 2003 fenix link
Dec 03, 2003 Celebrim link
heh. Does that say something more about the quality of this suggestion, or the lack of quality in everything that went before?

I wasn't aware that any of the stations had a name, but I wouldn't mind seeing a _sector_ named 'New Scandinavia'. A station could be named like 'Ny Oslo' or something. It just seems odd to name some tiny little thing like a station after the whole of Scandinavia.

I'm personally fond of the convention of naming stations after Sci-Fi authors, so I'd like to see stations named Asimov, Heinlein, Banks, Haldeman, Anderson, Delaney, Pohl, Simak, Cherryh, Dickson, Herbert, Gerrold, Benford, Lewis, Clarke, Leiber, Burroughs, Verne, Wells, Burgess, Wolfe, Dick, Niven, Bradbury, Bruner, Shelley, Card, McCaffrey, Panshin, Stephenson, Lethem, Willis, Brin, Le Guin, Carter, Straczynski and all the others that work so diligently to build up the will to go 'where no one has gone before'. If we ever get out of the gravity well, we will owe those visionairies an enormous dept.
Dec 03, 2003 a1k0n link
Celebrim, it's the best because it's unusual, silly, and easy to actually implement. I like things like that. Witness the racetracks.
Dec 03, 2003 Celkan link
I have been calling the sector seven station (and the sector) Saturnine Outpost for quite a while now.
Dec 03, 2003 LordViking link
Can it also have more ice roids?
Dec 03, 2003 roguelazer link
Can you turn me into an IceYo! (this post is a placeholder until I write something more useful, don't hold it against the thread FM)
Dec 03, 2003 Celkan link
Actually, I had made a list of sector names a while back... and ctishman has a set of his own. Let me dig mine up.

Sector 1: Arranias (planet)
Sector 2: Prometheus (planet)
Sector 3: Verasai (planet)
Sector 4: Itani Outpost Alpha (station)
Sector 5: Ceon 3 (Tactarus) (planet)
Sector 6: Unnamed
Sector 7: Saturnine Outpost (planet/station)
Sector 8: Inlon Ice Field (environs)
Sector 9: TPG Corporation HQ (station)
Sector 10: Abandoned Mining Sector (sector. DUH)
Sector 11: Ceres (sector, think of the station)
Sector 12: Serco Outpost Alpha (station)
Sector 13: Ferrix Asteroid Belt (environs)
Sector 14: Chanut'anam Comet (ice sphere around station)
Sector 15: No Bases Here (Station, referring to the acid widgets)
Sector 16: Fur'ios (enemies)
Sector 17: Tw'man'ik'nel (planet, specifically of the Furies)
Sector 18: Oth'pek'nios (planet, specifically of the Furies)
Sector 0: The Twilight Zone (the skybox... duh!)
Dec 03, 2003 Celebrim link
a1k0n: I'll keep that in mind. I'm not a very 'silly' person, though maybe if I got a grant...