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Weapon Pricing

Dec 07, 2003 roguelazer link
It's not a big change. Price changes are just modifying the contents of a config file. I bet even Whistler could do it if the devs gave him permission.
Dec 07, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
The graviton needs to be un nerfed.

The Graviton does more damage than the Tachyon, per shot.
The Tachyon fires more often than the Graviton, per second.
The Tachyon does more damage than the Graviton, per second.
The Graviton costs more than the Tachyon.
Dec 07, 2003 Phaserlight link
Why not give the graviton a 10 m/s speed boost to distinguish it from the tachs? Right now they are basically the same weapon, except one does *slightly* more damage per second and is *slightly* more energy effecient.

And I don't buy the quasi-scientific argument "tachs should be faster because they are FTL particles." If the bolt was actually traveling FTL then it would hit the target *before* it was even fired. How do ya plan to implement that? The tachyons are probably just used to heat the plasma that is ejected from the blaster.
Dec 06, 2003 sherman link
Am I the only one who thinks that the small weapons pricing is completely absurd?

Lets take the Gauss cannon, costs 2200, probably the best energy weapon. Then lets take the Graviton Blaster, very expensive, one of the worst energy weapons.

Then the Sunflare costs 1800, even less than the gauss, yet it's so easy to exploit because of it's huge blast radius and proximity detection.

Howabout this, make the weapons that are the best cost more, hmm? Why do all the crappy weapons cost the most and all the great s port weapons cost the least?

In a post-reset world where money doesn't come all that easy, I think this would reduce the number of unprovoked attacks by retards in valks with sunflares. Make it prohibitively expensive.
Dec 06, 2003 Arolte link
Sunflares are also cheap.
Dec 07, 2003 Phaserlight link
I posted this in a different thread, but here we go again:

Why not have weapon prices be dynamic also? Popular/powerful weapons will become more expensive, especially in "warzone" sectors.
Dec 07, 2003 Celebrim link
The current weapon prices are artifacts of 3.2.0. At that time, the gauss sucked, and the graviton was the best single energy weapon in the game.

Prices haven't been changed. Sure, they could and should be changed, but the devs have bigger things on thier plate.