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Relocate old missions in conq stations

Jan 06, 2017 Sieger link
So you suggest that the manufacturing missions for the TTM be taken from the conq. stations and be placed elsewhere? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of these stations, as ther would be no value to taking over them anymore?

I however agree with the general idea of making manufacturing possible in various other places, maybe at a higher cost. I like the idea of the manufacturing missions being available in every nation space, but at a higher cost of material, much like you can build RBH in Bractus right now instead of Nyrius, but you need to deliver more parts (5 FCP instead of 2).
So technically, people could construct their Trident Type in Serco, Itani or UIT space with much more safety, but they'd need to put 25% harder work into it, or something.
Conq. stations would still serve their purpose then: They'd be the "cheapest" and most "convenient" way to build a capship the quickest.
Jan 06, 2017 Death Fluffy link
The stations are meant to be a king of the hill type situation.

However, I have long argued that items like ffsa and fcp should also be manufacturable in regular stations. I would definitely put the ability to build them in Serco and Itani space, and somewhere for UIT that is reasonably far from Nyrius so that you still have the transport challenge. Leave the missions at the conq stations, and perhaps give I8 and C12 both missions. But the conq stations should be mainly for the key components in my opinion.

Also open up the missions for ffsa, fcp and rba to most players if this is not already the case so that newer players can build these items either for their own future use or to sell to serious builders.
Jan 06, 2017 Sieger link
Decent proposal. +1 to keeping all key item missions (DBHA, EHA etc.) at the conq. stations and making the FFSA/FCP build available in every nation space. Also +1 to making the build of FFSA and FCP and only of these components available to all level classes, so that I could hire some f2p kids to work for me while I do things that are not super boring. :-P
Jan 06, 2017 Inhibitor link
+1 to Death Fluffy proposal.

But if to alowd f2p manufacturing, I would limit to 5 a day for FFSA and 2 FCP in normal stations, and unlimited in conq. stations.
Mainly to try to prevent major influx of parts, which would drive down prices massively.
Plus there would be a potential to save on subbing time. Meaning you could premanufacture all FFSA and FCP, and only after sub for bigger parts.
Jan 07, 2017 Luxen link
While people should subscribe if/when possible, I heartily like death fluffy's amend, +1. Inhibito's too, that if f2p can make it, it should be limited to how many can be made daily for the f2p pilots.