Forums » Suggestions

If you sell widgits to a station, the station should turn around and sell some.

Dec 19, 2003 Urza link
What happens to the widgits we sell? Nothing. as of now sold widgits have no influence on anything but price. I suggest that each station has a total capacity for widgits. like say Sector 7 can only use 200 of any widgit. So if it gets more than 200 metals, it should put the extra back out on the market.

So below the rest of the widgits in 7 there will be Metals. And they'll have a little number below them showing how many extras are in the station.

If no body is selling widgits to 7, slowy the wigits for sale will drain as the station keeps it's metal widgit total up to 200 for as long as it can.

What is the point of this? Origionaly i was thinking it would allow us the ability to form new and intresting trade routes depending on the goods avalible in certain sectors.
Dec 19, 2003 Durgia link
They can use the widgets. Sell mining equipment to places that sell ore. Luxury items get used by the population. Ore gets used to produce things as well as metals.

All the stuff gets used heh.

Would be cool tho if the amount of ore available was dependant on the amount of mining equipment sold. etc
Dec 19, 2003 Forum Moderator link
The point of this is that it is an early version of the trading system. It will evolve as time goes by. It is often necessary to release features in stages for adequate testing before releasing a more complex version, please be patient and supportive about this.
Dec 19, 2003 LordViking link
There is another post on this topic, so Im gonna bump it...