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Vendetta Stock Exchange

Dec 21, 2003 Sheean link
Today in vendetta came up on the idea of... A STOCK EXCHANGE!
I said I'd make a small program so... here it is:

Now all I need is a java - vendetta über link(tm) and the stock exchange is here :)
Dec 21, 2003 Skyfox link
Hmm, I don't see anything. Was there suppose to be some kind of java thing running a demo?
Dec 22, 2003 Sheean link
OK, I put it in a zip ( ), I think it works now.
In case it doesn't. Here is the basic algorithm:

Someone buys stock, stock price goes up 30 cr.
Someone sells stock, stock price goes down 30 cr.

For each stock you buy/sell you have to pay the bot a fee (in the program it is default to 0, but I think it could be something like 5 cr.)

So, the stock price starts at 100 cr.
Now someone buys 5 stocks:
stock: 100 cr.
2th stock: 130 cr.
3th stock: 160 cr.
4th stock: 190 cr.
5th stock: 220 cr.
total: 800 cr.

Then he sells it:
1th stock: -220
2th stock: -190 etc...
total: -800 cr.

So to gain profit, people must continue buying stock, just like in real life. Dangerous, but probably very profitable.... (at least for the bot ;)
Dec 22, 2003 Skyfox link
Stock isn't any good without companies and economy to place the stock on. Currently, vendetta has neither.

Now maybe in the future, vendetta will have a guild/company system, and then stocks may make sense. I'm thinking like EVE, where everybody is part of one corporation or another, the whole game of EVE is based on economy, how much profit you make. When you have an economy system as good as EVE's then stocks would make something awsome. But untill then I don't see stocks as being of any real value to the vendetta universe.

Dec 22, 2003 Celkan link
seems interesting...

(7800th Suggestions Forum Post!)
Dec 22, 2003 Lumpy the Elf link
Maybe we could invest in each of the 3 nations. Whenever that team's money rises a certain amount, you get 10 credits per share or something. The same applies to the nation losing money.

A good amount might be one million credits per jump, and 500 credits for a share. Not to sure about the amounts though, and you could purchase stocks from other teams.
Dec 22, 2003 Durgia link
I think this would be better when guilds/factions are implemented. You could buy stock in certain guilds if the guilds put shares up. Then if the guild is doing well you get a profit on the shares.

The guilds could use this to raise money. ie Issue 10 000 shares (would cost the guild x amount and they would have to have a networth of y) Then other players, maybe not in the guild, could buy these shares and the money goes to the guild. However, every week z% of the revenue from the guild would go out to the shareholders from a central bank.

This would require an ingame bank system and probably some sort of guild taxes, as well as the faction system itself.
Dec 23, 2003 Sheean link
The idea of this stock system is based on the fact that people just ¨buy¨ or ¨sell¨ stocks, and if a lot of people buy, it rises, if a lot of people sells it goes down. You just buy stocks if it's low, and sell if it's high. That's the basic idea. It shouldn't really be based on say the actions of one nation...