Forums » Suggestions

ore prices

Aug 10, 2019 Drevent1 link
Corvus stations should pay top prices for all types of ore as mining in grey is dangerous and it would provide a lot of targets for the pvp folk
Aug 11, 2019 incarnate link
What would the spread of your suggested prices actually look like, specifically? Contrasted to outside of grayspace.
Aug 11, 2019 Drevent1 link
outside of grey prices drop as soon as you sell some ore

In corvus stations ore prices should remain the same as long as you don't try to sell more than one ship full at a time

Helio 2400

Pentric 2200

Apicene 1500

Pyronic 1200

Denic 1800

Lanthanic 1000

It would also be cool if said corvus stations then sold that ore at a (insert random number here) mark up