Forums » Suggestions

Undent deepspaced issue

Aug 08, 2020 Scion_Spy link
This post is in response to (This Bug), but I feel this is more of a "suggestion" on a couple possible features to add to correct this issue, and are not related to the bug in itself.
It is known that the Undent follows player capships.
(This note may have been included in the ticket if i'm right about who sent it)
For about 12+hrs (If not more) 2 long-term players sat in the undent sector within Odia in capships and the undent never re-appeared, perhaps:
1) It was deepspaced multiple thousand, if not million meters out.
2) at a certain range the undent can't "see" capships anymore, and therefor doesn't 'follow' them, or return to the play field.

1-possible feature of adding is a mechanic when a player logs-out/leaves the sector the undent returns to the debris field/center of sector.
The issue with this is how long can a play afk "/+turbo 1" without being kicked for inactivity? If ever.

Another way, would be after the sector 'falling-asleep' or, a duration of x-minutes going by the dent "teleports" or "resets position"

Having the dent 'follow' player cap-ships is a good thing imo, It prevents players from sitting out-side of range and R/R bomb/avalon the dent whil it's sitting helpless on a leash.
We just need to think of the "respawn"/reset mechanic.
Aug 08, 2020 incarnate link
We have some heuristics in place already for Queens in Leviathan sectors, to keep them from spacing quite so easily as they did in the past.

But, I think those were implemented in a case-specific way, and not generally across capital ships. So, it might be something we can adapt quickly to this circumstance.. or not. I don't know yet, we haven't had a chance to investigate yet.

I'd rather the solution be "generally" behavioural, and prevent the problem from happening to begin with; as opposed to kind of a "hack" where the ship simply respawns at the origin when the sector restarts.

For one thing, we went to some trouble to write out ship locations on sector shutdown and maintain a feeling of "persistency" to sectors, even if they go offline. I'd rather not go down a road of subverting that in special cases simply because of this.

But, if that ends up being the workable option.. we'll do that. However, I think there may be a variety of more nuanced alternatives.

Still, I'm open to further feedback on this if people would like to see some specific behaviour, for a particular reason.
Aug 09, 2020 We all float link
I use the dent chasing me mechanic to my own advantage when taking on the unrats (see my video in the general forums)

That said, I think a simple solution would be to make the unrat dents/connies have a speed of 145-150 m/s. Which means they would slowly gain on any player capship. Since unrats love their power cell blasters, why not give the front weapon of the connie and dent power cell reduction capabilities.

The result of this would be a player capship eventually being overtaken and then stopped in place, and probably destroyed by the escort.
Oct 17, 2020 Stavinair Caeruleum link
+1 for "We all float's" suggestion