Forums » Suggestions

Buff the Aelous Light Behemoth

Aug 17, 2020 HunPredator link
The light moth is not very useful in its current state, so I think its need to be buffed
The speed is fine, but its turn rate and acceleration not any better than in a regular moth, so I think because its called "Light", it could be a fast and speedy ship for quick transport with a smaller cargo hold than a regular moth.

So my suggestions are:
- reduce the weight to 22-25k kilograms
- give its engines more thrust
- buff the turn rate (something like 22-24 Nm would be nice)
- give it 2 small slots, or at least one
- reduce its size to 25-28m (maybe? It should be smaller than a reg moth)*
- if the size reduced, it could have a volume of 250-280cu as cargo*

*well I not sure about the last 2 suggestions, but both of them can be done if needed.

The light moth could be helpful for newbies as well as a mid game, faster moth, and for more experienced ones as a fast transport, or even a decent farming ship. I think buffing it would make it better and more usable.

I wanted to make this suggestion a while ago, but now I thought I can write it and see what other players think