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VO-Discord /ignore

Aug 23, 2020 riorick17 link
Players who are on /ignore (most likely for good reason) should also be filtered from VO-Discord. I don't want to /ignore the entire link, I think it's a great feature. But it only makes sense that if I don't want to hear them in game, then I don't want to hear them through the link either.
Aug 23, 2020 Epic_King66 link
This gets to the point where the devs can’t do this. If you don’t want to hear them in the Discord, block the user in question.
Aug 23, 2020 Luxen link
if they're going against any rules, poke one of the guides or mods. otherwise... well, there are plugins that'd ignore people from one of the old irc relays, so there MUST be a way to change it to work on the discord relay. I shall investigate tonight...
Aug 23, 2020 incarnate link
There's probably a plugin way to handle this, but I'll note it on the longer-term TODO for when we re-implement the Discord bridge internally, and more fully integrate it into the game.
Aug 24, 2020 SkinWalker link
I'm all for some sort of limits in place on the Discord relay.

For instance, perhaps there's some existing way of limiting how frequent a person can post on the Discord. I think 3 messages in a 2 or 3 minute span is sufficient. I see times when the Discord just takes over 100 and it's a bit annoying. But, perhaps now with the game-cost changes, instead of just sitting in the sidelines they'll join in. No more "i'm not subb'd" reasons for talking from Discord.

When that happened, I often put Discord on /ignore, at least temporarily. In fact, I put people on temporary /ignore all the time. It makes life easier sometimes in the game.

But if there's an existing method in Discord to limit # of chats per minute or something, that might be a good start. That way, people not playing for whatever reason can still check in, send a quick message, or ask a question but not dominate 100 for those actually playing.
Aug 24, 2020 Darth Nihilus link
It all gets real tricky pretty quickly without a more integrated implementation, as Incarnate noted is the ultimate goal. You can rate limit the Discord channel, but then that would likely impact the Discord relay itself so some in-game chat wouldn't get pushed to the Discord channel.

For now, the best approach is definitely an equivalent plugin like the IRC ignore one. I'll try to dig that one up and find some time to update, unless someone beats me to it.
Aug 30, 2020 Scion_Spy link
> Darth Nihilus
> You can rate limit the Discord channel, but then that would likely impact the Discord relay itself so some in-game chat wouldn't get pushed to the Discord channel.
Giving the bot Manage_Channel, or Manage_Messages permission over the one channel would allow the bot to 'by-pass' the chat-limiting.

(Manage_Channel) Allows the bot to edit the channel name, permissions, and topic.
(Manage_Messages) Allows the bot to delete other's messages, and pin messages.
Sep 24, 2020 Luxen link
Sorry it took so long to do this, but I added VO-Discord to the IgnoreIRC plugin.