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Give furies a few of the new cap-ship commands.

May 05, 2021 look... no hands link
I'm thinking the only ones that do not make any sense to give them are the "mine" and "prepare for docking" commands. All the others, make good sense to me.
May 11, 2021 incarnate link
The Furies and the Capships do not use the same codebase. So, this isn't some drop-in change. I'm not really prioritizing any development specifically around the Furies at this time.

I agree that, in general, NPCs you command should have similar capabilities (some uniformity, at least). But, there are multiple AI and command-structure frameworks, and we've been moving towards a more modern system that'll be more flexible, for some years. So, maybe at some point the Furies will be re-written to use that. For now, the Furies will just be the Furies.