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Show the number of times a badge you have has been awarded

Feb 07, 2022 womble link
When you click on the details for a badge, it would be nice if you got some indication of how many times that badge has been awarded. So, for example, after the current text that says "this individual has NNN remaining to reach the next award level.", the next sentence could read "This badge has been awarded XX times."

My rationale for requesting this is that having an idea of the relative scarcity of a badge is a motivator for some people. If (for example) Intermediate Trader III has been awarded 791 times, I might think to myself "hmm, I imagine Intermediate Trader IV probably hasn't been awarded very often, it'd be nice to have a fairly rare badge" and then put in the effort to get the next badge. For those who don't care about the scarcity of the badges they receive, I can't think of any negative implications for them.