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Problem with Gauss, and Flares

Feb 08, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Actually, im not really a fan on making other weapons stronger, since it makes people able to kill faster. Imagine getting your ship blasted out of the sky by 30 secs of tachshots. "gauss and sunflares can do that, if all their shots hit"

I prefer to have a medium - long fight, that takes me 2 - 5 - 10 minutes to kill somebody off. At least it makes peoples ship be worth its money, considering you will be making it scarce later on.
Feb 08, 2004 roguelazer link
As opposed to two shots of uberbot fire? As opposed to under 10 seconds of 250/350 bot fire? As opposed, to, say, <1 second of rocket volleys?
Feb 08, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
I disagree with Rogue and Ceadda.
Why make it easier for people to KILL newbs? Heck, now we don't need to bother with costly FLARES to kill a newb, rather lets just buy TACHS AND BLAST THEM ALL TO HELL AND BACK! NO! Listen you two! Buffing other weapons to compensate for flares is OUT of the question, you fail to meet too many of the problems with flares and gauss in the first place, even aggravating some of them! Think people think, you only look at it from the veteran view!

Rogue, the problem is that rockets take <1 second, even with newb dodging. That is the problem, don't set everything else to match that. Also, 250/350 bots should be ownage, how often do you see players with 250/350 bounties?

Toshiro, realism 2nd gameplay first. Realistcally the ships would barely slow down, and speed would be limited for the most part by structural limits. So if you want realism, add this then use your argument for no speed.

Feb 09, 2004 UncleDave link
Making the cargo hold more universal would solve a lot of the sunflare issues. Say that ammunition has to be carried in the cargo hold, making the heavy bombers have more ammo than the fighters.

Say, 3 sunflares to one unit of cargo. Then there would be no unique solutions, and more potential for customisation of your ship.
Feb 09, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
I like that, dave
Feb 09, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link

that would really cripple the usage of tradingships, since they rely on missiles/mines to defend their craft.

It is all good and well for heavy bombers and fighters, although the mass of 1 screamer is the same as 1 cargoslot, the mass of 1 swarm is the same as 1 cargoslot and the mass of 3 sunflares is the same as 1 cargoslot. "Or you have to start making the cargoslots for heavy ships bigger and all, but then you have to rebalance everything again, what would be to much work for the moment, but what could be possible in the future"

It will seriously make the job of a heavy ship even harder and that from the small ship easier. If the small ship uses gauss or tachs then it will always own the heavy destroyer considering its payout is severely lowered down.
As example take the prom: 1 jackhammer launcher --> 12 ammo "since 12 cargoplaces". Now this means that you have to take energyweapons for the small ports what severely tunes down the usage of your favorite ship "as a gunboat, double sunflare, 1 jackhammer" and in the end it will make the job of a heavy ship even harder.

not to mention that a vult has 3 cargopods what means 9 missiles. If you use a double sunflaresetup, it means that he has only got 4 shots and a 5th one with 1 rocket at a time. Because you cant state that by doubling the small ports you can double the capacity of a cargoport. Since that would still mean that the valk would have in a trippleflare setup 12 shots "4 cargoports * 3 = 12 and this for every launcher" And in my opinion you dont need more as 4 shots in that setup. With the possible extension, if that proves to be to little, upping it to 6 shots.

Feb 09, 2004 Ceadda link
"Rogue, the problem is that rockets take <1 second, even with newb dodging. That is the problem, don't set everything else to match that. Also, 250/350 bots should be ownage, how often do you see players with 250/350 bounties?"

Ah... I hardly ever see anyone with a bounty that low. Currently I'm at about 1700k and rising...
Feb 09, 2004 DR link
if my bounty gets above 500 I start to get worried and think about /exploding myself

Feb 09, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Sorry Ceadda... you must not play often. Actually, I believe if nearly anyone saw you they would gladly blast you to hell. Unless you just bot all day...
Feb 09, 2004 roguelazer link
I usually don't see many people under a 400 bounty or so... Piro, I think it's you who don't play often...
Feb 09, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Hmmm, i was on yesterday for quite some time... Of course the people i normally see are those that fight alot.
Feb 10, 2004 Starfisher link
Why is everyone trying to make the game more newb friendly by nerfing weapons? What the hell is wrong with making tachs and gravs more powerful? People are newbs for a month or so. They might play for a year. Why cater to that one month when you are trying to stretch their playtime for a year? It makes no sense at all.
Feb 10, 2004 Ceadda link
"Sorry Ceadda... you must not play often."

I play several days a week, 5-8 hours at a time, usualy while bored and popping in and out while doing a few chores, I'll drop into a station and just sit.

"nearly anyone saw you they would gladly blast you to hell"

That's all nice and good but they actually have to catch me first. I have 3 names currently with above 700c bounties on them, none of which have any deaths. I bot a lot to get that score, yes, but it takes a good deal of cargo hauling to have a nice ship and play around with weapons and bounty bot :)
Feb 10, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Hmmm, so let me get this straight... You bot and run, yet you try to determine the outcome of gauss and flares?
Feb 10, 2004 Ceadda link
I bot, I fly through. I don't usualy get shot or even shot at. I do, have to spend every time listening to people argue over which is better and complaining about people who use way to many flares and complaints about the entire red-pirate nation in general. Its rather easy for anyone to tell there's a serious problem with flares and gauss if everyone has to put up with constant arguments about them.
Feb 10, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Why is everyone trying to make the game more newb friendly by nerfing weapons? What the hell is wrong with making tachs and gravs more powerful? People are newbs for a month or so. They might play for a year. Why cater to that one month when you are trying to stretch their playtime for a year? It makes no sense at all.

We arent nerfing weapons. But why do those weapons need to take out a person in a split second.

Cant we have some fun and have some dogfights that take a little while. Boosting up towards somebody, launching flares and then yelling you have been thunderclawed isnt my vision on fun. My vision on fun is using gausses or tachs as mainweapon, and shoott hem as a deterrent that has a chance of hitting if you can anticipate his movements. And use the flare as a tactical weapon. If i shoot now, then the chance is big that it will hit. Ooh no, lets wait a sec more, and wait, wait shoot, with as a result a heavy explosion and maybe a good deal of damage + concussion damage.

I dont like the dump tactics in the hope of anthing hitting. Everybody can do that, but it takes practice to predict a hit of rockets, the normal single flare ones. Just try a duel like that for a couple times, and tell me if you dont like it. If not, then I would really find it to bad, because I love that.

And if they are equipped into linked ports then reduce their shots, it wont nerve their usage, but it will make sure that the destructive power will only be used by people that really know to shoot with them. Or who practiced a lot with them. Or something.

And this will in fact lengthen the game, because newbie will be willing to invest time in really getting to know the ins and outs of rockets. In stead of the basic training now being, just slap on a valk, 3 flares run into them and rocket them as fast as possible. Same tactic is used for the gauss :(. Its no fun anymore, no fun :(.

Feb 10, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Nothing wrong with buffing other weapons, but buffing them to prevent nerfing others is a big nono. Buff tachs etc. if you nerf flares etc.

Do not argue about something if you don't have thorough experiences with it...

Feb 11, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link

I do have experience with those weapons.

And in my views there is a problem. "Just to add to the point of ceadda"
Feb 11, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Wasn't referring to you, renegade, i was referring to Ceadda, the thread starter, who admitted he doesn't player fight that often. Only problem is flare rams.