Forums » Suggestions

Remove the mute system alt detection exploit

Apr 25, 2022 We all float link
Players are currently exploiting the mute system to discover alts of other players and then announcing those alts in 100 via the relay. The way the mute system currently works in VO, is that when someone messages a muted player, the game responds "blah is mute". Since mutes are account wide, creative players are making educated guesses about who the toon belongs to, and then are announcing those guesses publicly.

This is clearly exploitative and toxic. The mute system should be a way for players to learn from their past transgressions while still being able to play the game. Being farther punished by having their alts outed publicly, is very toxic and counter to this system.

I suggest that the reply from the game be removed. There is no reason for anyone to know anyone is mute. For all a person know, they could be simple being ignored.
Apr 25, 2022 greenwall link
I don't think outlawing guessing of alts is something that should, or reasonably could, be done in this game.

That being said, I don't see why we can't discuss the intended purpose of the "[player] is mute" response.

If the message is intended to be part of the punitive nature of the penalty (announcing to anyone that tries to communicate that the person has been silenced for violating rules), then I think the current response is appropriate: If you break the rules and are caught, you suffer the consequences across your entire account. If you don't want someone to discover (or guess) your alt that is muted, then 1) don't get muted and 2) don't play your alt until you are unmuted.


If the message is a relic of the past that is just a courtesy to the person trying to contact the mutee, much like the "[player] is not online" was, and NOT intended to be part of the punishment, then it should be rethought (just as the online status was removed).

Personally I think the response should stay. It is literally the only smidgeon of accountability-awareness data harassed players can get about their assailant. Knowing that people who have violated rules have been held to account is important in any game.
Apr 25, 2022 incarnate link
We are removing it. The OP usage was not the intended purpose.