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Station at Azek I16

Jun 02, 2022 Sid123 link
Currently, all except one border wormhole have a station either at the hostile end or the home end. GR to Deneb has a station on the GR side, Deneb to Eo has a station on the Deneb side, Jallik to Edras has a station on the Jallik side, Verasi to Edras has a station on the Verasi side, Ukari to Arta C has a station on both sides, Helios to Pyronis has a station on the Helios side and Ukari to Initros has a station on the Initros side. There is only one exception, which is the Latos to Azek wormhole. There is no UIT station in Azek I16 or Latos H2, leaving this area as a wide opening for entry of hostiles into UIT space. I suggest to move either the station at Ukari L2 or Arta C B7 to Azek I16. This closes the gap and makes the distribution of wormhole-stations consistent.
Jun 02, 2022 We all float link
Questions: does the distribution of wormhole-stations need to be consistent? What does this really achieve?

There is no UIT station in Azek I16 or Latos H2, leaving this area as a wide opening for entry of hostiles into UIT space.

What does a station do to prevent the entry of hostiles in UIT space that turrets don't already do?

Comment: The lack of a station means hulks will drop in Azek I-16: this means I-16 is interesting. The moment you place a station there, no more hulks. IMO, no hulks is uninteresting. Let's keep VO interesting.
Jun 02, 2022 12netjuan link
Serco better obtain a station in deneb before all of this can happen cause clearly we need a station in a war zone
Jun 03, 2022 Anewold link
tbh i agree with this statement this is due to sf deployment, turrets can easily be avoided but having sf deploy right next to the wormhole makes it way harder to get in (not impossiable but harder). Example turrets being as inaccurate as they are even a dent can dodge them and everyone knows how slow a dent is. (1k or further to turret to dodge 100% of the time).
Jun 03, 2022 Sid123 link
Anewold said it all.
Jun 03, 2022 We all float link
Are you proposing that the station be placed right next to the WH as well?
Jun 03, 2022 We all float link
Ok, just so we are clear, here are two examples:

1) Me hopping the border into Initros O-12 piloting a EC-89
2) Me hopping the border into Jallik E-15 piloting a moth

While the turrets all fire at me, the strike force doesn't catch up to me in time. If a pilot can do this in a EC-89, and a moth, then how is adding a station to Azek I-16 going to stop an aggressor from jumping into Azek while piloting a top end combat ship?
Jun 03, 2022 csgno1 link

I look at the border issue differently.

Serco have three border systems. A Serco noob wanting to leave nation space has three choices. Jumping into deneb will only get one so far. Jumping from Intrios to Ukari is fine as long as no one is lying in wait on the Ukari side. The noob might be able to sneak through Helios. Having options is good.

A UIT noob wanting to leave nation space also has three ways, and if Edras and latos WHs are blocked by pirates, Ukari L2 is a great backup plan because the choke-point is behind you when heading to jump distance there. UIT currently have the most options.

Itani have two borders, the Deneb WH to serco space is not a good option. The Jallik WH is the only real option. A couple of pirates there can keep all Itani noobs contained. The Jallik E15 station used to be in Edras I2. I'd say there is more of an arguement for moving that station back to Edras than there is for adding a station to the Azek/Latos border. I'm not advocating for either change.