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Ship Mass

Feb 11, 2004 Forum Moderator link
It's getting a little warm in here gents.

I can tell you that mass DOES have an effect in Vendetta. Acceleration, deceleration, and agility are all impacted by the mass assigned to the ship. It's a rudimentary effect, as everything in Vendetta at the moment, but it's there.

I'm starting to wonder if there is confusion with the term "mass: measure of how much matter a body contains", and weight, volume/size. Mass is associated with the property of inertia and is a constant, while the others are changeable to a degree. I weigh just under 150 pounds, but on Pluto I'd weigh about 10 pounds. At my current volume I would displace a given amount of water if I were fully submerged in a tub, but if I were smashed into a small cube I would displace less water (though I'd weigh the same provided I am weighed at the same location before and after).