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Let there be crews for capships.

Oct 07, 2022 K_Gamer213 link
Greetings, so my suggestion is to have crews in capship. Heres are some points on how they would be useful.

>Crews hired at various factions and nations have their ability of flying the ship. For ex, Serco crews are better at combat, UIT crews load/unload cargo faster, (also would be influenced at conquerable stations to reduce materials req. to build an item) & overall being a crew to haul and manu efficiently, mining gets boosted with additional ores mined at once. Itan crews knows how to keep the ship fly best. With extra turbo thrust while flying, repping capships from within, without having to use rep weps.
>Capships being idle without crews causes the capship to reduce health, thrust of turbo not functioning properly and shields regeneration rate to decrease too.
>Crew's skills can be leveled up over time just how licenses work, i.e, upon mining, combat, hauling and combat be put into action so does their skills gain respectively.
>Crew's ability is complete different system. Capship pilot can spend credits to change a fictional/national crew member to hv a different ability learnt and finish training with.
>Upon taking damage on the ship, crews gets killed on the ship.
>Crews can be hired at capship docking station's bar. Or any other station and have them loaded in any ship's cargo, fly the ship to capship and have them on board!

That's it from my part, ill let the devs to add more according to their ideas.
Good day, pilots!
Oct 07, 2022 We all float link
+1 to crews
Oct 07, 2022 Sid123 link
+1 to crews as a whole. I have some doubts about the finer points in the suggestion though.

For ex, Serco crews are better at combat, UIT crews load/unload cargo faster, (also would be influenced at conquerable stations to reduce materials req. to build an item) & overall being a crew to haul and manu efficiently, mining gets boosted with additional ores mined at once. Itan crews knows how to keep the ship fly best. With extra turbo thrust while flying, repping capships from within, without having to use rep weps.

Would there also be standing requirements on hiring of crew, such that Serco can only hire Serco crews, etc? Or, if this is not the case, can a capship pilot mix and match their crew between Serco, Itani and UIT? Will someone be allowed to have both Serco and Itani crew on the same ship at the same time?

>Crew's skills can be leveled up over time just how licenses work, i.e, upon mining, combat, hauling and combat be put into action so does their skills gain respectively.
>Crew's ability is complete different system. Capship pilot can spend credits to change a fictional/national crew member to hv a different ability learnt and finish training with.

So will individual crew members have unique names? If that is the case, and killing of crews is possible and permanent, it wouldn't be worth it to train your crew. You die once and all the effort put into it is down the drain. This would also need a special UI tab of its own.

>Crews can be hired at capship docking station's bar. Or any other station and have them loaded in any ship's cargo, fly the ship to capship and have them on board!

Can you also hire crew and leave them at stations (resting, whatever) until you need the specific skillsets of that crew? Can you make crew presets so you can take on the specific crew you want on short notice? Like I use a mix UIT and Itani crew for manu (better hauling effeciency, lower component reqs, higher turbo thrust) and then switch over to a Serco crew when I want to go into combat, and so on? Can you carry excess crew on your ship so you can switch over from hauling mode to combat mode to running mode in-flight?
Oct 07, 2022 K_Gamer213 link
I'm happy u liked my opinion. Now bout the Kosons(Sry couldn't make em questions cursive as I dont know how, yep, me still a newbie.)

Would there also be standing requirements on hiring of crew, such.that Serco can only hire Serco crews, etc? Or, if this is not the case, can a capship pilot mix and match their crew between Serco, Itani and UIT? Will someone be allowed to have both Serco and Itani crew on the same ship at the same time?

Standings are required yes, each nationality crew would be located at their specific nations only, while grey houses to factions crews and other nationalists but expensive to hire. Both Serco & Itani could be in a ship,doubt/question arises that it's not possible or I'm breaking the game law aye? :) that's where chemistry takes part. Nationalist crews be having skills, abilities, which of whole sums up capship's chemistry. You can extrapolate the rest, as gaining of skills after certain actions, causes ship's chemistry to increase as well.

So will individual crew members have unique names? If that is the case, and killing of crews is possible and permanent, it wouldn't be worth it to train your crew. You die once and all the effort put into it is down the drain. This would also need a special UI tab of its own.

Individual crew members have unique names,yes,just how a random name gets generated upon creating a char. I understand the pain of losing crews, so here's a take,you can choose which crew member and hand them access to the escape pods on board the ship.Total of 2 escape hatch systems are in goli, which means 2 personal can escape. Special UI tab does will be needed it seems, yes.

Can you also hire crew and leave them at stations (resting, whatever) until you need the specific skillsets of that crew? Can you make crew presets so you can take on the specific crew you want on short notice? Like I use a mix UIT and Itani crew for manu (better hauling effeciency, lower component reqs, higher turbo thrust) and then switch over to a Serco crew when I want to go into combat, and so on? Can you carry excess crew on your ship so you can switch over from hauling mode to combat mode to running mode in-flight?

Crew members being left at station will be available. Each crew takes upto 4cu-6cu? And have 'as many as you want' crew members to be in your capship. Again, the special UI tab will be showed up in your capship, or let that be in the "Operation room"? Crews can be carried in excess, which takes upon capship's cargo as crew's quarters(imaginary,not actual VO commodity) is loaded in the capship

I hope I answered all your well. Bout the excess crews, they can be rested in capship itself as long as the capship carries crew quarters? Personally, the term crew quarters opens up so many ideas itself like "Transport of personal" under trade guild.
Oct 07, 2022 Sid123 link
Nationalist crews be having skills, abilities, which of whole sums up capship's chemistry. You can extrapolate the rest, as gaining of skills after certain actions, causes ship's chemistry to increase as well.

So basically if your crew has members of opposing nations they will inhibit each other's skills, while if you have members of the same nation they will boost each other's skills?

Will there also be crews of subfactions (TPG, Valent, etc with their own unique skills? Or only national crews? In crew training, will training with specific factions boost those specific skills?

I like this idea. It would involve a LOT of work to make, balance and exploit-proof, but IMHO it'd be worth it.
Oct 07, 2022 K_Gamer213 link
So basically if your crew has members of opposing nations they will inhibit each other's skills, while if you have members of the same nation they will boost each other's skills?

Chemistry only be low when crews of opposition nations be on-board. More of a yes to your question, higher the ships chemistry, more effective the team work done

Will there also be crews of subfactions (TPG, Valent, etc with their own unique skills? Or only national crews? In crew training, will training with specific factions boost those specific skills?

Subfactions crews will be there too, yes. And again, Valent crews when hired along Biocom,ultimately, ship's chemistry gets reduced.
I should add an extra point on chemistry, but got the idea later.
Trainings at particular faction boost those specific skills, yes. Since devs still kept a thing going, which is, a pilot who does not have keys can dock in any captain's capship who themself has keys, and the captain fly into a conq. station sector and be completely safe without having the turrets shoot at the capship. However if the pilot of the ship launches from the capship, then all hell would break loose.
So, I mentioned the above statement for, a national crews can safely be transported and given training at opposing nation as they have been hired by us in the first place.Itani crews may be brought to Serco and be given combat training where as, Serco be bought to Itani to give engineer trainings.

Tbh, I got few more ideas on this in replies of the post which I can't edit and add in the main post, but yeah, it would be totally worth it!
Oct 18, 2022 notcreativenickname link
+1 for entire idea